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Robert Llewellyns Classic Films Website Evil Dead Review Evil Dead Gallery. Evil Dead Trilogy Video Sleeves.


Evil Dead

  • Continuity: Scotty is shown being scratched by the demon on the right side of his face, however, later the scratches appear on his left side.
  • Crew or equipment visible: Lights are visible everywhere: on the forest floor when Cheryl is being chased, mounted on the corners of the roof above the front porch, etc.
  • Crew or equipment visible: A crewperson is visible outside the window when the white shutters keep on banging.
  • Factual errors: When Ash goes into the basement for shotgun shells, the shells he grabs are "spent" shells, and therefore, would not work.
  • Miscellaneous: Linda's pendant as Ash is getting ready to use the chainsaw.
  • Audio/visual unsynchronised: Tires screeching on a dirt road at the beginning.
  • Continuity: The amount of blood on Ash's face as he watches the demons disintegrate at the end.
  • Crew or equipment visible: Producer Rob Tapert can be seen hiding in the bushes when the car starts to cross the bridge.
  • Continuity: Ash's legs have been grabbed at, clawed and bitten into yet when he stands up at the end of the film, his trousers are intact although we've seen them ripped at least twice.
  • Continuity: When Scotty first enters the cabin, it is clearly dark out, despite it being daylight outside when he approached the house.
  • Continuity: The shotgun wound on Cheryl's face goes from the left side to the right side then back to the left.
  • Evil Dead 2

  • Continuity: Ash chops his hand off at the wrist, yet later it is seen to have a fair amount of forearm attached to it.
  • Continuity: The hand that Ash attaches the chainsaw to (the negative was reversed for one shot).
  • Revealing mistakes: Various of the weapons used, including the chainsaw, the poker, and a knife, bend and wobble as though made of rubber or plastic.
  • Continuity: When Ash goes into the basement to get the pages of the Necronomicon he picks up one page with the hand where his chainsaw should be.
  • Audio/visual unsynchronised: When Ash's possessed hand is smashing plates on his head and punching him, his mouth isn't moving at all, yet he's groaning.
  • Revealing mistakes: When Ash crashes through the front windshield of his Olds, a wire can be seen attached to his body.
  • Revealing mistakes: When the "spirit" chases Ash through the house, you can see the rigging of the set where the roof should be.
  • Continuity: Although it is Ash's right hand that is cut off, afterward when he goes down to the cellar to retrieve the pages of the Necronomicon, there is a scene where he picks up a page with his right hand (this may have been a flipped negative).
  • Continuity: When Annie is trying to pull Jake out of the cellar door, she is sprayed with blood and her shirt and shorts soaked in the front. When she turns around, she's almost completely clean.
  • Crew or equipment visible: The harness, rope and pulley that drag the character into the vortex at the end are all clearly visible.
  • Crew or equipment visible: When someone's head rolls toward the camera after it has been chopped off, you can see the crew member who threw the head toward the camera in the background as he tries to hide from the camera behind a log
  • Crew or equipment visible: The wires holding the flying eyeball and the wires that move the roots of the tree are visible.
  • Crew or equipment visible: Set lighting can be seen on top of the corners of the porch awning in several exterior shots of the cabin.
  • Continuity: Annie's clothes change in the middle of the film for no apparent reason.
  • Crew or equipment visible: The lighting rig is often clearly visible above the cottage interior set.
  • Continuity: The green slime on the wall and on the others disappears.
  • Revealing mistakes: When the possessed Henrietta is spinning over Annie, there is a large tear in the crotch of the "Henrietta" suit.
  • Miscellaneous: A white liquid dribbles out Henrietta's ear. This is Ted Raimi's sweat mixed with the white powder in the costume.
  • Crew or equipment visible: You can, in several outdoor nighttime scenes, clearly see the lighting equipment (used to create the eerie glows in the woods) hanging from trees.
  • Crew or equipment visible: After Ash comes out of the water, you can see a person behind him dressed in black running in the woods.
  • Continuity: While Ash is fighting with his hand in the kitchen, you can see daylight through the windows above the sink. However, this scene supposedly takes place at night.
  • Army of Darkness

  • Revealing mistakes: Plywood planking visible on ground when Ash falls from the sky.
  • Continuity: Length of Ash's hair as he searches the forest for the book.
  • Crew or equipment visible: During the final battle a man in a T-shirt and modern shoes charges in with Henry's army. (This has been identified as director Sam Raimi.)
  • Continuity: Ash is momentarily dry after falling in the puddle before entering the windmill.
  • Continuity: In the pit, the chain is moving at a different speed than the spikes.
  • Continuity: Ash's hair when talking to Lord Arthur about returning to his own time.
  • Continuity: The sun is rising when the reinforcements arrive, but soon after it is dark again.
  • Incorrectly regarded as goofs: A hand wearing a gauntlet (not a white glove) holds the reins of Ash's horse as he rides off near the end.
  • Continuity: Both armies come together twice to congratulate each other.
  • Incorrectly regarded as goofs: After Ash climbs out of the pit we see that the holster for his shotgun is empty. Then moments later Ash uses the shotgun to shoot Arthur's sword. But it's quite likely his rescuers retrieved the shotgun separately.
  • Revealing mistakes: When Ash's car falls out of the sky, you can see the chains they used to suspend the car from a crane.
  • Revealing mistakes: When the book of the dead is attacking Ash in the Graveyard scene, you can see that it is a 3-ring binder. Look for it when the book is attacking his neck, not while flying.
  • Anachronisms: Skeletons wearing helmets used in the American Civil War and in World War I.
  • Continuity: Ash has his face cooked to the stove top so bad that he has to use a spatula to remove his face. After he does there are no marks or burns on his face.
  • Factual errors: Pouring boiling hot water down his throat, when Ash gets a Tiny Ash in his stomach, would do a lot of damage. However, we see no other reaction to this, other than temporary discomfort and then laughter.
  • Anachronisms: The pneumatics and engineering expertise needed to make his mechanical hand were not available then. A blacksmith's tools would have been too clumsy and large.
  • Errors in geography: There are no deserts in England.
  • Continuity: After the witch falls to the ground, Arthur kneels and reaches toward it. His hand is just about to touch its shoulder. When the shot changes, Arthur's hand is further away.
  • Continuity: The film begins with Ash as a prisoner of the knights, but at the end of Evil Dead II (1987), Ash is hailed as a hero by the knights (and there's no indication here that he had been a hero they turned against).
  • Continuity: During the flashback, Ash pins his arm to the ground with his knee while cutting his hand off with a chainsaw. In Evil Dead II (1987), he stabs his hand with a knife before using the chainsaw.
  • Continuity: When Ash sleeps for centuries in the end, his hair and beard grow, but his fingernails don't.