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Robert Llewellyns Classic Films Website The Faculty Gallery. The Faculty Links. The Faculty front sleeve scan. The Faculty Goofs

I was offered the chance to go to the cinema on a freebie to watch The Faculty. I had seen the posters but had not seen any trailers or read any reviews on this film, So I sat there with a cousin of mine ( Peter aka Horus ) not knowing what to expect from this film. Around Two hours later I left the cinema knowing I had just seen a film that was up there with some of my all time favourite movies.

After some chilling and creepy happenings six students from Herrington High make a chilling discovery, Something has started to control the teachers with some form of mind-controlling parasites. Soon the other kids start to act strange and it is up to this bunch of students to try and find a way to stop this plague like menace from spreading to the outside world.

This is a great film that I can watch over and over again " Superb Stuff "

If you have a spare moment, why don`t you add your views on this classic film.

In The Faculty Guestbook

All the best Robert Llewellyn

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Click here for a scan of the U.K. VHS Rental Sleeve.

Directed By Robert Rodriguez

Jordana Brewster --- Delilah

Clea Du Vall --- Stokes

Laura Harris --- Marybeth

Josh Hartnett --- Zeke

Shawn Hatosy --- Stan

Elijah Wood --- Casey

Famke Janssen --- Miss Burke

Robert Patrick --- Coach Joe Willy

Bebe Neuwirth --- Principal Drake

Salma Hayek --- Nurse Harper


Year : 1998

Theme / Contents : Sci-Fi / Horror

Bad Language : Occasional Strong

Sex / Nudity : Once

Violence : Strong

Cert : N / A

U.K. Running Time : 100 Minutes

Dimension Films
