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Robert Llewellyns Classic Films Website Highlander Homepage. Highlander gallery. Highlander Links

Full review

The first Highlander cinematic experience sizzles with energy, thrilling action sequences and electrifying sword fights and is played out at a frenetic pace by a renowned cast. Christopher Lambert gives a mesmerising performance in his most famed role as the Scotsman out to fulfil his destiny as an Immortal under the tutelage of the flamboyant Ramirez played with pastiche and for laughs by the enigmatic Sean Connery.

The year is 1536. Scottish Clansman Connor MacLeod (Christopher Lambert) is mortally wounded in battle by a terrifying warrior - The Kurgan (Clancy Brown). When his wounds miraculously heal, Connor is cast out by the superstitious villagers to live a life of solitude.

Several years later Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez (Sean Connery) a nobleman of Egyptian / Spanish descent teaches him that like he and the Kurgan, MacLeod is an immortal who can only die by decapitation. He tells how the immortals are fated to duel down the ages to a mysterious distant time called "The Gathering", when the last few will battle for "The Prize".

So begins a romantic action-packed saga spanning four centuries to modern day Manhattan where a reign of terror grips the city and headless corpses baffle the police. The Kurgan has arrived in town as a one-man wrecking crew maddened by aeons of blood lust, slaughtering everything in his path searching for his ancient enemy - the Highlander. It all comes to a climax with an earth-shattering showdown between to two old foes against the spectacular New York night sky - There can be only one!