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The University of Memphis Campus Map

BUILDING ABBR LOC Administration AD F-9 Alumni Center AC I-15 Art AB E-8 Art Museum CFA G-6 Athletic Office AOB K-13 Ball Hall, E.C. BH I-12 Bookstore BS H-11 Brister Library, John Willard JWB D-11 Browning Hall BR I-8 Cafeteria/Tiger Den JOC F-9 Campus School CS J-12 Clement Hall CL E-11 Communication & Fine Arts CFA G-6 Clock Tower CT G-11 Dunn Hall DH F-7 Ellington Hall EH E-12 Engineering Administration EA H-5 Engineering Science ES I-5 Engineering Technology ET I-6 FedEx Technology Institute FET D-6 Fieldhouse, Elma Neal Roane FH H-10 Finch Recreation Facility FRF G-16 Fogelman Executive Center FEC E-5 Harris Auditorium MU H-5 Hayden Hall HH H-9 Hudson Health Center HC H-8 Herzog Building, Ray L. HB H-8 Information Center IC C-5 Johnson Hall JN D-10 Jones Hall JO F-9 Jones Hall Cafeteria JOC F-9 Law, Cecil C. Humphreys School of LAW F-5 Life Sciences LS H-12 Lipman School, Barbara K. LIP H-2 Manning Hall MN G-9 McCord Hall MC H-8 McWherter Library, Ned R. ML H-7 Meeman Journalism, Edward J. MJ F-8 Mitchell Hall MI E-11 Music MU H-5 Newport Hall NH I-15 Panhellenic PAN D-7 Parking Garage, Deloach PG1 E-6 Parking Garage, Zach Curlin PG2 H-11 Parking Offices & Police Services PG2 H-11 Patterson Hall PT D-12 Printing Services PS E-14 Psychology Auditorium PA E-7 Psychology PSY E-7 Rose Theatre Lecture Hall RTH H-10 Scates Hall SC H-9 Smith Hall, J. M. SM G-12 Student Rec & Fitness Center REC G-15 Theater & Communication TC G-5 Tiger Den/Cafeteria JOC F-9 University Center UC G-11 Wilder Tower, John S. WT E-11 Wilson School Management WS E-4 RESIDENCE HALLS: Carpenter Student Housing Complex CSH J-3 Mynders Hall MY E-9 Rawls Hall RH D-8 Richardson Towers RT B-5 Robison Hall ROB I-9 Smith Hall, Nellie Angel SH D-8 South Hall SO J-14 West Hall WH D-9 RELIGIOUS HOUSES: Baptist Student Union C-10 Barth House - Episcopalian C-8 Catholic Student Center B-11 Christian Student Center C-8 Jewish Student Union C-9 Muslim Student Association B-11 Wesley Foundation - Methodist C-10 Presbyterian Place, River's Edge C-9