
UPDATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! August 3rd, 2002
I added one fanfic by Desiderata and one by SamanthaCat (that's me!) and I made the updates page. I am slowly (but surely) changing the font to verdana (thanks, DC, for telling me how!)

August 4th, 2002
I'm going to add a fanfic by Demeter Christine and (hopefully) I will begin updating my Character Bio's page. My vision is a page with a bunch of seperate links, but that might be too hard...anyways, enjoy the site. Also, does anyone have a fanfiction (or poem) that they want to see here? I'd be more than happy to post it.

August 7, 2002
I added the fanart section and two fanart by me! Send me your fanart! Expect more through the day.

August 19, 2002
I promise I haveupdated! I added my Dolls, I finally sent out my award! *g* You'll have to check up tomorrow or so to see who got it.

August 20, 2002
I fixed up my Award page and sent out my first award to the Jellicle Moon!

August 21, 2002
My site is getting a makeover! lol

Email: kewlgurl360@aol.com