
I owe a lot of people a big thanks for different things, dealing with Cats and website-making. I will most likely leave somebody off. I'm sorry, but thank you too!

1.Dad--thanks for renting and buying Cats. You have supported me with my writing and dancing the whole time.
2.Mom--thanks for supporting my obsession, hanging up my collages, watching my dances, and being behind me 100% through everything.
3.Jeremy--thanks for being a complete inspiration and a great brother. Without your HTML help, this site would be a garbage dump.
4.Alece--thanks for FINALLY watching it with me and being an awesome sister.
5.Demeter Christine--thanks SOOOOO much for reducing my boredom with stories and chat. It was you who inspired me to start doing fanart.
6.Bombalurina Aerin--thanks for making the Jellicle Moon and posting all of my fanfic from the start. Your site helped inspire me to make my site. And thanks so much for having a forum because I don't know what I'd do without it.
7.Peep--thanks for posting interesting messages, standing up for the little guy, and often making me laugh out loud.
8.Desiderata--thanks for writing some awesome stories that kept me occupied for a while.
9.Teazer--thanks SOOOO much for becoming obsessed with me. It's nice to have someone there with you when you oggle at John Partridge. :)
