Did I Do That? CATS Bloopers!

Did you ever know that there were bloopers in CATS? Well, there are a few. If you have any, please email them to me! Thanx!

1. In "Pekes and the Pollicles" Munkustrap readjusts his arm warmer when he THINKS no one is looking. Ha! It's plain to see if you're paying attention.
2. Right after Munkustrap explains about the Jellicle Ball everyone greets him. At one time, he nuzzles a cat and you see Cassandra's hand sticking out, but when they do a wide shot, she's not there!
3.In "Pekes and the Pollicles" Mistofelees has some trouble with his shoe...
4. At the end of "Macavity" Demeter makes this face like "Uh-oh!" but I didn't catch what she did.

Things you might not have noticed:
1. At the end of RTT's song, after all the kittens scream, Etcetera faints!
2. Some people say at the end of RTT's song when Grizabella walks on, he mouthes something that looks like "F*** You!" but I don't think that's what he says.

Bloopers/Things You Might Not Noticed from Shelly:
1.Watch Munkustraps eyes at the end of the line, "The everlasting Cat..." he rolls them, in a very odd way... (Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats)
2.When Munkustrap says, "Or on the mat.." Rumpleteazer falls down flat as if to be the mat... (Gumbie Cat)
3.Watch Rumplteazers shoes during the cockroach dance - they change from black to white in every shot. (Gumbie Cat)
4.When they are rotating on the ground at the line about the cook, Mungos' foot hits Rumples' leg. (Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer)
5.When you look at Victoria in the background with Old D..it may be difficult to tell, but it's actually Jo Bingham(Etcetera)in Vicky make- up. (Pekes and Pollicles)
6.When the toms lift the queens, keep your eye on Corico and Tanto..Corico stumbles slightly and nearly drops his sister! (Jellicle Ball)
7.At the beginning of the mating dance Tugger and Rumple nuzzled a bit in the background. Which is understandable since they were supposedly dating at the time. (Jellicle Ball)
8.Etcetera and Electra really make it clear they want to be Misto's assistant! (Mr. Mistoffolees)
9.When Mistoffelees is about to bring Old Deuteronomy back, Tugger walks off and points to Mungojerrie like he's saying "Hey, whats up?" and Mungojerrie points to the red blanket with a confused look on his face.(Mistoffolees)

Bloopers/Things You Might Not Noticed From Chibi:
1. During the 'old gumbie cat' when the mice come out, Jemima has a hard time getting her costume on. She has to take the mouse mask off and put it on again!
2. When Etcetera is on the "flying trapeze" you can see the offstage person's hand pushing her.
3. At the beginning Cassandra has Brown eyes, but when she says "Jellicle cats have moonlite eyes..." she has blue.
4. At the very begging of the 'old gumbie cat' , Demeter,Jellylorum, and Bombalurina are in the background. Bomba is on the wrong spot, and Demeter and Jellylorum are telling her to go up to the right spot. You can see that Bomba is waiting for the right time to go up.
5. At the very beginning of Rum Tum Tugger, Munkustrap spits on Jennyanydots, when the music suddenley comes on.
6. At the beginning of Rum Tum Tugger, Pouncival is seen fiddling around with his shoe. It almost looks like he is sucking on it.
7. In the beginning of 'old deuteronomy' when he enters the stage for the first time, Jemima slids to meet him. She goes a little to far and has to turn around quickly to catch up with him.
8. At 'skimbleshanks....' scene Exotica keeps on changing costumes from that totally black outfit to something thats gray with fur. Take a look its really annoying me!
9. Near the end of 'Macavity'. Right when they get done singing and all the cats run out, in the very back Jennyanydots and Jellylorum come running out. Jennyanydots kind of slides but Jellylorum falls smack on her butt. I thought it was quite hilarious.
10. When Rum Tum Tugger starts to sing Mistoffelees song and he is at the part wich he is sitting on the car. There is a fuzzy thing beside him. It is the Deuteronomy mask that Macavity used to fool the Jellicles.
11. In Mr. Mistoffelees; when he pulls the red blanket out of the car, Cassandra is on top of the trunk. But in the next shot (focused on Tugger) Pouncival has replaced her...
12.On the boxes that lead to the giant tire, there are little blue paw prints on them!