Quotable Quotes About CATS

I have been talking to a lot of people lately and going to a lot of websites and I found one thing that most people don't have: A Quotes Section. This might seem boring, but read on. If you have any quotes please email them to me.

My Father said, "...when you take two genuises [T.S. Eliot and Andrew Lloyd Webber] and you put their work into one thing, you get something phenomonel..."

A friend said, "...no fair! CATS is going to end soon..."

Gus says, "...Well! The theater is certainly not what it was." (I don't know if this is true! Ha!)

Old Deuteronomy says, "...You've learnt enough to take the view that cats are very much like you!"

And I say, "CATS is an unforgetable experience. Whether you see it on video or see it live, it lives with you forever...all I need to do it press play in my head and the movie turns on."

Email: kewlgurl360@aol.com