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In this section of the site, we will be discussing the screenplay, which first fruition on August 2, 2000. The first draft, penned by Witold Tietze and myself, was based on an idea I came up with while watching a television program called "Doctor Who".

The basic idea was to follow two lead characters (Marcus Darmoc and, at the time, Patricia Hewitt) on a journey in which we would not know good from bad, friend from foe.

This isn't quite the pitch I sent to Witold, but it was the basic thought at the time. So, I wrote out the first few pages and then sent it over to him with a very, very rough outline. Within a few weeks, he had sent me back a screenplay that ran something near 45 pages. The length has been up and down since then, as both of us have sharpened our writings skills (if only a little bit).

It was a good idea and seemed as though it would be rather cheap to produce. However, changes in my life brought about the end if the project, which at the time was title "The Traveler: Episode 1 - Secret History".

Click here or on the script cover to read the first two scenes as shown in the current draft (2a) of the screenplay. Once done, click back to return here.