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DOB: 03/09/1969

From: England


Hobbies: writing, reading, cinema, music and of course, Andy Serkis!


Aditional info: I've been a fan of Andy's since seeing him in "Oliver Twist" was aired back in December 1998 and was thinking what a great presence the guy had, and huge blue eyes!! I was sort of aware of who he was having seen him in other stuff, but it was only then I thought "Wow!"

Favorite Andy Serkis film: A difficult one this! :-( I would say "Pandaemonium", as his portrayal of John Thelwall simply dominates the scenes he is in.

LOTR: ROTK - the opening sequence as Smeagol before the corruption of the Ring is beautiful played and the tranformation scene is unbelievably painful to watch.

Also, "Deathwatch" , which I spoke to Andy about in great length at C4.


What I like about Andy:  One of the things that attracts me to Andy, apart from the obvious attraction! - is the fact that he is a consummate actor. He can make you believe that he is hte character completely - and not, Andy Serkis playing a role. I love the fact that he spends months researching the character's background even if he is only in a small scene (such as "Topsy Turvy") and at C4, I asked him about Quinn, the character he plays in "Deathwatch" - whom I find fascinating to watch! It turns out that we both agreed that there was a steak of humanity in him; just watch his face before he goes to kill Tate and that it was the war that turned him into this desensitised killing machine.

Comments: Andy is a great bloke as simple as that. I finally got to meet Andy three times last year (once at C3, four separate occasions at C4, where I got to ask him a question at the TTT pre-screen talks and again at "The Double Bass" which played at the Southwark Playhouse where we chatted for a while about his future work etc...and I know that he will continue to surprise us with his up and coming projects. ;-)


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