Contest Request
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Request for Online Contest Information

Simply fill out the form below, it will be sent to our webmaster.  You will be contacted by the webmaster within 72 hours of your request.

What kind of request is this?

Club-Member of  CICCA
Club - Non CICCA Member

Tell us who you are:

Club Name 

Tell us who you wish to Challenge:

Club Name

Tell us who you want as Judges: (3 required)

Judge 1
Judge 2
Judge 3

What is the requested date for this contest?

Contest Date: 

This is all the information we need to get you started.  Your challenged club will be contacted to see if they accept your request.  You will be notified and receive information on sending your photos once your challenge has been accepted.

Thank you,

The Shutterbug Camera Club

Web Master

For faster service please click on box below.

                    Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.

DNS E-Services.
Copyright © 2003 [Shutterbug Camera Club]. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 05, 2003 .
This site last updated on: 08/02/03                                    Return to top of Page

Created by: DNS E-Services - Member of The International Association of Web Master's and Designer's. 

Copy Right 2003-2010 © Shutterbug Camera Club Inc.  All Rights Reserved

Music Midi Files on this site are not covered under this copyright and are believed to be public domain.

 Visit  for more music files of this type.