Club Calendar
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The schedules posted here are subject to change without notice. 

The Club Calendar for 2003 is now available.

T.B.A = to be announced.

The Board of Directors has determined that club meetings will now be held only once per month, that being on the second Wednesday of each month.  

Additional meetings or events may be scheduled as needed to accommodate individual events or club needs and will be announced at regularly scheduled meetings or on this sites 

"Post it Here Page"

2003 Club Calendar

Date Event Topic Time
Jan 8th Club Meeting General 7:00pm
Jan 15th Judging N4C Slides 6:00pm
Jan 22nd Club Meeting Program - Conservation Department Presentation 7:00pm - 7:45pm
Jan 22nd Board Meeting Set 2003 Calendar Following Presentation
Feb 12th Contest/Slides Holidaze - General Slides that represent any given holiday. 7:00pm
March 12th Program T.B.A 7:00pm
April 9th Contest  General Slides / Prints 7:00pm
May 14th  Program 10 Favorite Slides  Ever- 

A look at how the times have changed.

 5 old (slides of more than 2 years old) and 

5 new (slides of less than 2 years old)

June 11th Business Meeting Election of Officers 7:00pm
June 11th Contest General Slides 7:15pm
July 9th Program T.B.A T.B.A
August 13th Contest General Slides / Prints 7:00pm
September 10th Program T.B.A T.B.A
October 8th Contest General Slides 7:00pm
November 12th Program T.B.A T.B.A
December ??? Club Christmas Party  Annual Awards T.B.A





January Shirley White
February Trish Ditsworth
March David Schultz
April Lois Hultquist
May Jim McMurry
June Jack Gustison
July Haven
August  Jeanette Camp
September Sarah Bissell
October Lea Phillips
November Pat McMurry
December NONE



January - March Lea Phillips
April - June Haven
July - September George Helt
October - December Jack Gustison
This site last updated on: 08/02/03                                    Return to top of Page

Created by: DNS E-Services - Member of The International Association of Web Master's and Designer's. 

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