Monday 16th.,

Godless Soviet (COMMIE) SADISTS purport to bringflatlined pooches back to life using old Victa lawnmower parts after having completely drained them of their blood & left them lying around for 15 minutes! Does this film dismiss the notion of "life-force", or does it simply demonstrate the basis of the conventional heart-lung technology that we use today?? Presented by British Marxist boffin, JBS Haldane. 22min.CAC.

Classic documentary on a Paris slaughterhouse by Georges Franju which juxtaposes poetry and realism. Like Resnais' 'Night and Fog', the affective strangeness of Franju's film tends to defy analysis. 'Poetic' & 'surreal' seem to be not quite adequate to describe his treatment of the disquieting subject of a Parisian slaughterhouse in the suburbs. By alternating images of the sad, wintery city & everyday death in the slaughterhouse, Franju achieves a synthesis of banality and horror. The ironic calmness of Jean Painleve's commentary does not embrace callous detachment so much as avoid either end of the spectrum: easy indignation or matter-of-fact documentation. Franju is neither outraged nor indifferent, he is fascinated. Narrated by Jean Painleve andphotographed by Marcel Fradetal. Music by JOSEPHKOSMA. WARNING: Very graphic footage of animalslaughter.
Prod Co: Forces et Voix de la France. Prod: PaulLe Gros. Dir: Georges Franju. 22. mins. CAC.

Oliver's in trouble with his wife after missing a payment ontheir furniture, having given the money to Stanley, who usedit instead to pay Mrs. Hardy for his room and board. Whiledoing the dishes, Stanley convinces Oliver to withdraw thefamily's $300 savings and buy the furniture outright. But theyaccidentally squander it at an auction, purchasing a grandfather clock which is promptly destroyed by a passingtruck on the way home. Mrs. Hardy's reaction sends Oliver tothe hospital, where a blood transfusion sourced from Stanleyproduces confusing results. Highlight: the "I gave it to him"routine. Also, that's diminutive Daphne Pollard as Mrs.Hardy, JAMES FINLAYSON as the furious furniture store owner, and Charlie Hall as the bank teller. The last"two-reeler" short Stan and Ollie ever made. Cast: STANLAUREL: Stanley,OLIVER HARDY: Oliver, Daphne Pollard:Mrs. Daphne Hardy, JAMES FINLAYSON: AuctionManager. Wr: STAN LAUREL. Ph: Art Lloyd. Ed: RaySnyder. Sd: William Randall. Mus: Marvin Hatley, LeroyShield. Prod: HAL ROACH. Dir. James W. orne. ReleasedAugust 6, 1935. 21 mins. NFVLS.

and featuring:
After Jonathan Harker attacks Dracula at his castle(apparently somewhere in Germany), the vampire travels to a nearby city, where he preys on the family of Harker's fiancée. The only one who may be able to protect them is Dr. vanHelsing, Harker's friend & fellow-student of vampires, who is determined to destroy Dracula, whatever the cost.
Hammer's stunning series of Dracula films, starting with Terence Fisher's seminal HORROR OF DRACULA (1958),laid the basis for a whole new vampire renaissance in cinema. Lee's masterful portrayal of the count was based on Lugosi's stylish gentleman, with some additional sophisticated decadence. Whether it was Lee or Lugosi who was the true Dracula will always be argued, but Hammer's films were definitely scarier, more seriously Gothic, and generally less B-like than Lugosi's Draculas.
Lee’s Count Dracula represents the power of his class, his aristocractic bearing constrasting with his bestial hiss.
In Hammer's Dracula there was a new emphasis on theVampire's sexuality - his female victims eagerly respond. The actions of the representatives of Christian morality are sadistically brutal in their assaults upon the Vampire's sexually aroused victims.Cast: CHRISTOPHER LEE, PETER CUSHING, Melissa Stribling,Valerie Gaunt, MICHAEL GOUGH, Carol Marsh, John vanEyssen. Script: Jimmy Sangster. Cinematography: JackAsher. Mus. James Bernard. Sc. Bernard Robinson. Prod Co:Hammer Film Productions. Prod. Anthony Hinds. Dir. TERENCE FISHER. 81 mins. NFVLS.