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.MOV Files (Quicktime Required)
Lord of the Rings Trailer (1MB)

.MPG Files (Windows Media Player Required)
Wilde (1998) (1.8 MB) 3 second clip, very high quality

Wilde (1998) (785 kb) 13 second clip, poor quality

Regis and Kelly (2002) Clip #1 Discussing Legolas (17 seconds, 1 MB)

Regis and Kelly (2002) Clip #2 Discussing Black Hawk Down (in his U.S. accent) (21 seconds, 1.3 MB)

Regis and Kelly (2002) Clip #3 Orlando and the Peep Cam (8 seconds, 500 kb)

Extra (2002) (455 kb)

Please note, I did make all of these clips myself (except for the trailer). If you would like to use them for your own website, please save to your OWN server and give me a small credit! thanks.