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The road trip to the Flying Yankee page 1 of 2

title zoom

OK, here's the plan; only interior B car is 'done', everything else is a 'work in progress'

Here's the main power unit, car A, in the shop
That's the door to the baggage area, to it's left the main engine/front, to it's right is the small galley, and then some space for passengers

Inside that car, this is the small passenger area with some new interior paneling in place, not much else

Here's the left of that baggage door & engine room - the front

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The front, right up against the building's wall (I'm up on steps to an office for this shot)

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Now inside looking thru the engine room (the cover's over the engine)
and into the engineer's cabin -- yes thru those small doors; and there's little to no head room becaue of those overhead air/cooling ducts

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Now thru the left door into the front cabin -- that's the brake and yes that's the ceiling above

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Now I'm steeping across the front into the engineeer's side

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The engineer's side - no real sit here yet, just controls

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And back out the right side door into the engine room again

On to Flying Yankee Road Trip Page 2