Techinical Adviser on the biographical style movie, Which delves in to the dark world of the contravercial comedian Lenny Bruce, her famous father. This movie was a huge success, It was nominated
for six Academy Awards.

1975-(Switchblade Sisters)
Cult classic, Directed by Jack hill. The movie was also known as 'The Jezebels' and The 'Playgirl Gang'. Kitty plays the character Donut, The over weight member of the all girl gang The Dagger Debs, who is the butt of tough teenage tearaway Lace's Jokes, The leader of the Debs. Donut eventually gets respect when new Girl on the block. Maggie takes over the gang and kill's leader Lace in a bloody battle to the death, for control of the gang.

1977-(Andy Warhol's Bad)
Written by world famously known, Andy Warhol. The story is loosly based upon Hazel, a hair dresser whom run's a hit service from her salon, providing ruthless female assassins. Kitty is cast as Karla, a ruthless hit-women, Payed to take out the local scum.

1977-(Lenny Bruce-Swear to tell the truth)
Directed by Robert Weider, Kitty portrays herself in this second documentory type movie, Chronicling the life of her famous comedian father, Lenny Bruce. A destructive glimpse into the world of the famously known nightclub performer, through out the 60's.
