
"If you go its gonna turn
"You know who that guy is??
    Thats the leader of the Silver
    Daggers,they could wreck my
    building"-Maggie's Landlord
"Everything was lousy! you
    were lousy! the whole fucking
    gang was lousy!"-Dominic
"You can beat us, chain us,
    Lock us up, But we'll be back,
    Understand. And when we
    are cop, you better keep
    your ass off our turf or we'll
    blow it off, Ya Dig?"-Maggie
"Sooner or later, every girls got
    to find out, the only thing a
    man's got below his belt is
    clay feet"-Muff
"I know how to cool off hot
    little chippies like you"-Mom
    the lesbian prison warden
"And I'd kill him again if it
    was to keep him away
    from you"-Lace
"Were the Jezebels, Fatso!"
"I lost my eye for this gang,
"They cant hold us we're
"Everybody's gotta be in a
    gang to stay healthy" -Lace
"Ok you want me out, Your
    gonna have to fight me
    out" -Lace
"You got knocked up, Big
"Your a chicken, say it"-Maggie
"Come on Superman"-Bunny
    woman, and from now on
    that's gonna be us, The
    Jezebels, yeah!"-Maggie
"Too bad you have to
"Get your hands off the fruit,
"Get your hands off me, you
    fat pig, dyke"-Maggie
"Im still on top"-Lace
"Get it together girl and start
    thinking how your gonna
    pay that bitch back"-Patch
"You broads dont have a
"We've got a suprise for
    Crabs, One big mutha
    fucking suprise"-Muff
"What do you mean
"Your one hell of a fox,
"Everyone Knows your crank
    can hook a tuna"-Bunny
"I Bet your a regular little
    Hooker, Well we're gonna
    teach you to be good"-Mom
    the lesbian prison warden
"What was I ment to do ?,
    He was treating me like a
    Gutter Cat"-Lace
"She'll talk all right,
    and she'll tell the truth!"
