Switchblade Sisters the second of eight movie's re-released through Rolling Thunder, along with such greats as Curdied, Chungkin Express, Detriod 9000, Hardcore Logo, Sonatine and The Beyond. Director of Pulp Fiction and many other sucessful movies throughout the 90's, Quentin Tarantino along with two big producers, Bender and Mendale, set out to fulfil his life long dream by setting up his own movie distribution company and that dream became a reality in the summer of 95 when 'Rolling Thunder Pictures' was lanched.

Created to re-release some of the more obsure films in cinema, films that the majority of todays filmgoers had'nt seen, let alone heard of. Which gave filmgoers the opertunity to really expand their viewing scopes.

'Rolling Thunder Pictures' a section of Miramax wasto release up to four films a year, Drawing on the world of Independent features, International Productions And film exports. But unfortunatly by the summer of 97, two years after 'Rolling Thunder' was lanched, they had stoped re-releasing movies, when Miramax refused to extend their contract. Miramax Stated that 'Rolling Thunder' was no more, due to a lack of interest shown in the movies that where re-released.
