Well just where are those tough talking actresses/actors now? What exactley are they doing with themselves? Find the answers to all your questions below!
Are you a former member of the cast or crew of Switchblade Sisters? Wanna let the world know what your currently doing? Email me
Robbie Lee -In January 2002
Robbie Married her high school
sweetheart Mike at her
California ranch. Robbie is also
in the process of developing
her own website, dreamin ranch
productions, which will feature
Personal Photos, Life Updates
and Information. click here to
check it out!
Kitty Bruce -Kitty is currently
studying to be a registered
nurse in holistic medicine.
Jack Hill -Jack is now retired from
the movie industry and now
spends his time at home with
his wife Elke, Meditating and
Writing scripts.
F.X.Maier -Maier Is now the
Chancellor and special assistant
to the Archbishop of Denver.
Which makes Him one of the
highest ranking laypersons in
the U.S. Catholic Church
Asher Brauner -After a long acting
career, Asher now writes and
releases his books in a small
bookstore in california
John Prizer-In recent years, John's
been writing and producing PBS-
style documentaries. His latest
credits Include- Campus Culture 5
Stories on political correctness
(PBS), Inside The Republican
Revolution (PBS), The Rodney
King Incident (TLC), And The Fall
Of Newt Gingrich (PBS).