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Scott Steiner Moveset

Front Weak Grapple

A: Club to Neck
A+Left/Right: Snapmare
A+Up: Elbow Strike
A+Down: Scoop Slam
B: Shoulder Thrusts
B+Left/Right: Gordbuster 02 (F)
B+Up: Suplex
B+Down: Jawbreaker

Front Strong Grapple

A: Headlock
A+Left/Right: Belly to Belly Suplex 02 (F)
A+Up: Body Press Drop (F)
A+Down: Powerbomb Pin 01
B: Bearhug
B+Left/Right: Belly to Back Spin Suplex (F)
B+Up: Northern Lights Suplex 02 (F)
B+Down: Tiger Driver
Front Special: Downward Spiral (F)

Back Weak Grapple

A: Falling Back Drop
A+D-Pad: Falling Back Drop
B: Forearm Smash
B+D-Pad: Forearm Smash

Back Strong Grapple

A: Abdominal Stretch
A+D-Pad: Abdominal Stretch
B: German Suplex 01
B+D-Pad: German Suplex 01 (F)
Back Special: Reverse DDT 02 (F)

Counter Moves

Weak: Counter Elbow Strike
Strong: Counter Grapple

Weak Striking Moves

B: Body Punch
B+D-Pad: Hook Punch 01
B: Front Kick 01
B+D-Pad: Front Kick 05

Strong Striking Moves

B: Diving Clothesline
B+D-Pad: Punch 01
A+B: Hard Chop 01 (F)

Ducking Attack

Rising Clothesline

Counter Attacks

Strong Attack (D-Pad/B)
Front Special Grapple
Elbow Crush Counter
Standing Clothesline
Back Special Grapple

Walking Moves

Generic 01

Weak Running Attacks

B: Shoulder Block
A+B: Elbow Attack 02 (F)

Strong Running Attacks

B: Clothesline R 01
A+B: Diving Shoulder Block

Running Grapple

Front Grapple: Swinging Neck Breaker
Back Grapple: Release German Suplex (SDM)

Running Ground Attacks

Facing Up: Stomp
Facing Down: Stomp
Sitting Up: Stomp
Sitting Down: Stomp



Upper Body Ground Attacks

Facing Up: Clutching Punches
Facing Down: Sitting Reverse Armbar
Sitting Up: Front Headlock
Sitting Down: Camel Clutch (F)
Special Up: None
Special Down: None

Lower Body Ground Attacks

Facing Up: Groin Knee Drop
Facing Down: Knee Stomp
Special Up: Figure 4 Leg Lock
Special Down: None

Standing Ground Attacks

Facing Up: Elbow Drop 03
Facing Down: Stomp 02
Sitting Up: Chop
Sitting Down: Double Axe Handle

Turnbuckle Attacks

B: Punch 01
B+D-Pad: Hard Chop 01

Running Turnbuckle Attacks

B: Clothesline R 01
A+B: Body Avalanche

Irish Whip to Corner Counter

Boot to Face

Tree of Woe Attacks

B: Front Kick 05
B+D-Pad: Front Kick 05

Running Tree of Woe Attack

Shoulder Block

Front Weak Turnbuckle Grapple

A: Shoulder Thrusts
B: Multiple Clothesline

Front Strong Turnbuckle Grapple

A: 10 Punch
B: Samoan Drop (F)
Front Special: Belly to Belly Suplex (F)

Back Weak Turnbuckle Grapple

A: Forearm Smash
B: Forearm Smash

Back Strong Turnbuckle Grapple

A: Super Back Drop
B: Super Back Drop
Back Special: Super Back Drop

Turnbuckle Counter Grapple

Front Grapple: Throw
Back Grapple: Super Back Drop

Flying Attack w/Standing Opponent (Inside)

Double Axe Handle

Flying Attack w/Standing Opponent (Outside)

Double Axe Handle

Special Flying Attack w/Standing Opponent


Flying Attack w/Laying Opponent (Inside)

Body Splash

Flying Attack w/Laying Opponent (Outside)

Body Splash

Special Flying Attack w/ Laying Opponent


Inside Turnbuckle Attack


Turnbuckle Taunts

Corner Taunt: Taunt 008
Turnbuckle Taunt: Taunt 001


Weak Grapple: Club to Chest
Strong Grapple: Suplex to Inside
Special Grapple: None
Counter Grapple: Suplex Reversal to Inside

Rope Inside Attack


Flying Attack to Outside


Running Diving Attack

A: None
A+B: None

Running Diving Taunt


Rebound Flying Attack



Apron Kick to Inside: Middle Kick
Apron Kick to Outside: Strong Kick

Weak Grapple From Apron


Strong Grapple From Apron

Suplex to Outside

Special Grapple From Apron


Counter Grapple To Apron

Suplex Reverse to Outside

Flying Attack to Apron

Dropping Elbow

Running Flying Attack to Outside


Flying Attack to Ring w/Standing Opponent


Flying Attack to Ring w/ Laying Opponent


Flying Attack to Ring (Special)


Apron Taunt

Taunt 001

Irish Whip Attack

Standing Clothesline 01

Irish Whip Weak Grapple

Tap A: Monkey Toss
Hold A: Back Toss 02

Irish Whip Strong Grapple

Tap A: Powerslam 01
Hold A: Belly to Belly Suplex
Special: Front Special Grapple


Taunt 1: Taunt 037
Taunt 2: Taunt 037
Taunt 3: Taunt 037
Special Taunt: Taunt 013
Ducking Taunt: Taunt 001
Celebration: Taunt 037
Entry Way: Taunt 023

Double Team Grapple

Front Grapple: Double Suplex
Back Grapple: Neck Breaker Backdrop
Sandwich Grapple: Double Powerbomb
Irish Whip Grapple: Double Arm Drag

Double Team Attack

Inside: Doomsday Device
Outside: Doomsday Device
Attack to Ring: None

Counter Attack

Punching Reversal

Fighting Style

Stance: Wrestling
Ring Entry: Normal
Counter/Reversals: Heavy
Speed: Normal
Submission Skills: Expert
Irish Whip Evasion: No
Recovery Rate: Normal
Bleeding: Rarely
Reaction to Blood: Aggression
Endurance: Strong
Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing
Jumping Distance: Normal
Specific Weapon: None







Rival 1: Test
Rival 2: None
Rival 3: None
Accompanied by: None

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