B u f f y   t h e   V a m p i r e   S l a y e r


The way you love
Have you got a name for it
'Cause I don't understand it
The language is an annoying necessity
And I depend on all the regular things
Got a list tattooed on my memory
Of how our tryst should unfold

I'm falling from the opposite
What good is it
Fight the map with no key attached
My heart's enlarged and I charge

What do you say
To a dream that won't go away
'Cause I don't know if I can stand it
Forever isn't something you wan't to be
And I rely on familiar things
Seven days all have special meanings
But you just call it a week

I'm falling from the opposite
What good is it
Fight the map with no key attached
My heart's enlarged and I charge

The night is young
And the moon is a mother to both of us
We both understand this
Marriage is an old and tired religion
And I love all the traditional things
Domestic bliss and all that shit
Confusion is a definite direction

I'm falling from the opposite
What good is it
Fight the map with no key attached
My heart's enlarged and I charge


Bu şarkı, 'I Only Have Eyes For You'nun başında, Bronze'da çalıyor.



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