Project Greenlight
was the most noble of experiments. Imagine... young people with
no experience in the entertainment industry, untrained as screenwriters,
submitting a screenplay that many bragged they had slapped together
in a matter of days....and submitting their masterpiece with
the great prize for one lucky winner being that their screenplay
would be produced and that same lucky winner would also be expected
to direct that film.
An amazing and daring concept. Oh, there were also screenplays
submitted by writers who had spent years learning and developing
their craftsmanship, who paid attention to contest rules that
stated the screenplay must be in "standard industry format"
and who spent endless hours on the Project Greenlight Message
Boards encouraging and teaching the youngin's.
But who would judge what rated as a "good screenplay?"
The contestants. It's just my best guess, but going by what I
saw on the Project Greenlight Message Boards, I would say a good
90% of the contest participants were in that group of contestants
I mention in the first paragraph. Not only were they 90% of the
contestants, they were 90% of the judges. And the judging went
exactly as you would expect it to go given those conditions.
Several of these young judges would give those scripts they thought
"rocked" a "Pass" in the belief that meant
the script was winner material. "Recommend" of "Pass."
And they picked "Pass."
The great thing to come out of this grand experiment was the
sense of real community that formed between the serious writers
present. And that community, or family, is my motivation for
this website.
If you would like to know more about Project Greenlight, please
click on the graphic. It will take you to their main website.
If you would like to know about more contests for writers and
filmmakers, keep scrolling.