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"Look Ma, I'm a writer!"

Without doubt, the most common type of thread and/or post on the Project Greenlight Message Boards are the "pimp" threads wherein Greenlighters vie for one another's attention, begging for script swaps and reviews. For many, this "writer's exchange" became the true value of the contest.

Whereas, for others, it was just pimping. That's what you call it when you start a post along the lines of, "You gotta read this one! World's Greatest Script!" and what you deliver is something less than the world's greatest.

Not that we didn't have our Masters of Creative Pimping. One poster promised naked pictures along with the script. Another threatened suicide if their masterpiece went unnoticed. And still others attempted to turn what was essentially a text-based operation into a comic book gallery.

To each his/her own.

Here at The Greenlight Zone, we intend to keep alive the great pimping tradition. Here you are invited to send a synopsis of your screenplay or novel. We will post them. You never know who might be watching.

Just a few guidelines.....

1. Your submission should include in the upper right corner: Your name and email addy. Do not send private home addresses or even phone numbers. My shrink says I have no tolerance for stress so I can't be worrying that this website leads to you getting stalked. If an agent or other helpful-type individual likes what they see, I'm assuming they know how to send you an email. Whatever dealings you have with any third party is entirely your own business. I'm not in it.

2. On this same page, list: Name of Screenplay, Genre, and how many pages are in your script. 120 pages is standard, but can vary.

3. ONE paragraph describing your story and its main characters. I promise you, most working folks do not have the time (or patience) to read more than that. It is a synopsis.

4. Indicate if you are interested in an exchange or if you are just seeking a review. Be honest. Some folks will only read your work if you reciprocate. Others are just interested in reviewing without offering a script of their own. You'll find someone to help you out.

5, You might also wish to indicate if you already have agency representation.

6. I have no way to verify that your writing is legally protected (registered and copyrighted), and in any event, you cannot copyright an idea. But if you agree to a script swap from this website, do not send off your hard work to a complete stranger without having first protected it!

I may or may not, depending upon time constraints, display your pages here. But if there are too many to do justice to, I'll most likely upload whatever you have sent and put a link here for downloading. Everyone's computer can read plain text and most computers can also read Word. So try to stick to those formats. Don't send pictures or other graphics or anything else besides that one page and the information I've already asked for. I will not be reprinting or linking to whole scenes and/or screenplays or picture storyboards. I will delete those files. Hey, my hard drive has its limits and so does this website have its alloted space.

A Special Favor: if you do get any nibbles, if you actually have something good happen through this website, would you please post that information on the Greenlight Zone's Message Board? I would love to hear about it!

I guess I'll go first. Who's next?

Patricia Holtby

"Her Little Girl"

GENRE: Suspense/Psychological Thriller, two female leads, 118 pages.

Nothing in MARY BETH ANDERSON'S white-bread P.T.A. life had prepared her to be chasing a madwoman through the garish trappings of carnival, gun in hand, ready to commit any act of violence. But there she was, in desperate pursuit of daughter MELISSA and the one-time friend who had kidnapped her child. At first, KIMOTHY BANYAN had seemed to be a godsend, showering this Working Mom and her emotionally damaged child with loving care. Then strange things began to occur as affection turned into obsession. And when ex-husband MIKE ANDERSON turns up seeking reconciliation, the last shreds of Kimothy's sanity disintegrate. The Anderson's lives are turned topsy-turvy with acts of violence and vandalism and a false arrest, all culminating in the abduction of their daughter. Mary Beth and Mike must resolve their conflicting feelings for one another and work as a team to save Melissa. And that is when this loving mother discovers if she truly is capable of pulling the trigger.

I have also written a novel based on this same story. I am currently seeking agency representation.

I am interested in a script exchange (I am currently working my way through three Greenlighter scripts).

Karen Morss

On Wings of Wind

On December 17, 2003, it will be 100 years since the Wright Brothers flew at Kitty Hawk. Their story chronicles one of the most amazing events of the 20th century - the invention of the airplane.

It is a story of triumph over incredible adversity, courage in the face of great danger, and the wonderful strength and support of a family.

The Wright Brothers had a sister. Her name was Katharine. She was an integral part of their team. This is the story of the Wright Brothers told from her perspective based on the letters they wrote to her from 1900-1909.

The Wright Ohio homes and hangars at Kitty Hawk have been preserved. Replica aircraft are available. This is a wonderful story and should be made into a movie. It would be an instant family classic. I hope you can help.

Thank you for considering On Wings of Wind.

"Poster Boy"

genre: drama
very brief synopsis: friendship, love & movie posters
shooting date: December 14th, 2000

A friend and I decided to go ahead and make this movie ourselves in a lower
than low budget way -- for ten thousand dollars -- pretty much a no budget
film on 16mm. We started production in the middle of December and will wrap
in May.

People interested in my on-line journal can contact me at
Industry people who would like to see what a ten thousand dollar movie looks
like, please do the same.
I'll let everyone know when it's complete and how it can be seen.

Thank you for supporting the arts.

David Gardiner
Home Page

Title: SIRAT
Genre: Science Fiction

The subject matter is the emergence of a fully-fledged electronic intelligence within the information networks that the human race has set up for other purposes. This event marks the beginning of the end of the human era.

Deliberately low-key and anti-sensational, this is a serious attempt to imagine what it will mean at an ordinary human level when mankind must eventually take second place to one of its own unwitting creations.

At present the story has been written as a novel, which was published by iUniverse on 1st September 2000. There entire text of the novel can be downloaded free from the web-site address above, and there are links to reviews, plot-summaries and sales outlets for the printed version. It is a human story rather than a technological one, and has three male lead-characters, two female leads and a substantial part for a child actress (age eight to nine). The voice of SIRAT would also be a substantial part.

As a film, the story would have the following to offer:

1. A largely unexplored idea, namely the sudden emergence of electronic intelligence as a result of a research project running out of control, and the hijacking of the world's information systems by that intelligence in the pursuit of its own ends. The closest precursor would be Mary Shelly's "Frankenstein".

2. A human interest story, not reliant on technical knowledge, special effects or spectacle. It could be a very low-budget sci fi movie.

3. Excellent opportunities to use simple effects to good advantage. "SIRAT", the electronic being, sees the world through security cameras, and eavesdrops on conversations through telephone mouthpiece microphones and the like. Good opportunity to create a sinister "inner world" of black-and-white pictures
and crackly sound, sinister moving cameras on buildings etc.

SIRAT is the ghost behind everything, who is never seen because he has no physical form. Buddhist/Hindu notions of transcendent reality and the consciousness underlying the whole universe are a constant image. A very cinematic subject.

4. If the project were taken on by an amateur or impoverished film group, there exists an easily accessible community of amateur computer enthusiasts who would be keen to help with the very modest special effects for little or no pay, as it is a
subject that appeals to computer people.

What I am primarily looking for is a group interested in taking-on "SIRAT" as a film project. I would envision writing the screen script jointly in consultation with a director or amateur film-group. The existing story could be edited-down or extended
in specific directions to fit in with the resources and desires of those making the film.

I have no current agency representation. The book publication rights for "SIRAT" within the United States reside with iUniverse for the next three years. The film rights, stage rights and all publication rights outside of the USA still belong to me.

Submit Your Synopsis

By submitting your synopsis to The Greenlight Zone, you agree that this website and its owner and operators are not responsible for the behavior of any third parties who may read the material on these webpages.

Please be very nice and make sure the subject line of your submission reads, "Pimp-o-Rama." If it does not, I cannot promise if and when it might appear here.

No one from The Greenlight Zone will ever ask you for money to read a script or for anything else. If you are contacted and asked to pay for anything, please let me know because that lying sack of sh*t is going to have some explaining to do. My website is no rip-off operation. I do not anticipate broadcasting any calls for cash here on this website, but this website would be the place to come to find out whazuuuuup. I now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

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