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The best part of Project Greenlight was the opportunity to be part of our great community of writers, everyone offering their input and criticism and support. I want to keep that alive here on this website.

You can also use the MESSAGE BOARD of this website to exchange opinions and ideas. What I have in mind for this page is to have all of us pose specific questions/problems/challenges to our fellow writers and then to have our same community put forth their responses. Please use the button below to submit your contribution, be it question or answer and I will do my best to get it up on this page A.S.A.P.

And now, to get us started... 

What "bits" and pieces of business and other means do you use to "peel the onion" -- to show the unfolding of a character's character? Or do you just have your characters respond to dialogue and action with dialogue and action of their own?

What are some great ways to handle exposition (explaining details and background information you want the audience to know but that do not propel the action of the story forward)? 

As a writer, how do you keep your spirits up, your belief that yes, I am a writer!, in those dark times when you are convinced you are a no-talent fraud?

As you can see, this page depends on your participation. Please feel free to also contribute just solid good thoughts of your own without having to respond to a specific question. And if you have found a good place on the web where a writer can turn for advice, I'd be happy to post that link here. One such place would be and their screenwriting experts, including William Goldman. Click on the logo and away you go!

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