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Author: Jurassic Joe

Time: 8:30 AM

Location: Western Oregon

Age: Late Cretaceous

The ground thundered. Hook raised his head above the grass. His eyes fixed on the approaching tornado of Triceratops. There must have been over fifty of them, running straight toward him. He watched the raging beasts for a moment then he saw the cause of the stampede. It was a Tyrannosaurus rex, by far the largest predator for miles around. All coming his way. Hook was alone, and he was on watch. Hook snapped back to attention, he raced to the place were his fellow pack members were resting, hoping to get there before the disturbance did.

The bull Tyrannosaurus thundered beside his prey, a full grown Triceratops. He smelt the warm flesh of the animal he would soon bring back to his nest, via his jaws. With a thundering roar the giant predator swung his head through the air and struck the side of the Triceratops’ body. The strength of the neck muscles was too much for the struggling animal to bear, it toppled over on its side, yelping along the way down. The tyrannosaurus grabbed the squiggling body in its huge jaws and slowly closed them, silencing the cries.

The Velociraptor pack was playing. It was rest time but none of the tribe was tired. Bolt wrestled down Feather, Feather panting in happiness as she fell down on the soft grass. She raised her foot in the air, and put it on Bolt’s chest, a block. Bolt reared up and gave a little growl of defeat. He had lost his little brawl with Feather, which he intended to do. He knew that the tribe would go no longer without hatchlings, he needed a mate. Bee watched as the two played, she stepped in too. All the Velociraptors were having fun now. Suddenly Hook rushed in, disrupting the peace. He barked at Bolt. Bolt came to his mature senses and got off the ground, looking at his fellow male raptor.

The brown raptor explained to its leader about the stampede. Bolt seemed afraid, he quickly told the others. Hook explained the Triceratops were coming from all sides. Bolt thought, If they were coming from all sides, then where do we hide? He franticly looked around until he saw the forest. He quickly spat toward the forest, signaling to hide there. On the plain the tree’s of the forest cast eerie shadows.

The pack rushed toward the forest. A first cluster of stampeding Triceratops passed them, trotting over where the pack was playing a moment earlier. Feather realized how deadly a herd of Triceratops could be. She looked around at the huge animals. They were different from her, they walked on four legs, and she walked on two. She glanced at ones brown skin, hers was white. The female raptor wondered why this was, why she was different.

She felt air rush down her back, she spun around and glanced at a big brown animal’s horns, inches away from her face. Feather sprung back, hissing at the imposter. The large herbivore paced away. That’s when it struck Feather, she was alone. She searched around the plain, she saw no other tribe members.

Vrstamp10 She had no time to think, another cluster of animals surrounded her. There was no end of this cluster, the heart of the herd sprang around her. Feather hissed some more. All of a sudden she felt two sharp pains in her chest as she turned around. The pain got intense, pain signals were sent to her brain. Feather looked down in agony. She was riding on a Triceratops head, two horns dug into her stomach. She shrieked up in pain, it was getting hard to breath. Blood burst from inside her, splurting the warm liquid on the armoured skull of the Triceratops.


rstamp11 The doomed female Velociraptor rolled off the horns, gashing her skin open. She crashed onto the ground, keeping the pressure of the ground on her chest. The double wound made her nauseous, she looked around…everything was a blur. A particurally large Triceratops was headed toward Feather. Its feet slammed the ground, nearing closer to the doomed raptor. Feather looked up; she saw the brown blur moving toward her, faster…faster… She tried to move, her chest hurt too much, she tried to breath. Her lungs seemed to be dead.

The front set of feet was now a couple feet away from Feather’s tender head. 5 feet…4 feet… 3 feet… 2 feet… A flash of red and brown flew at her, not from the front: from the side. Claws grabbed her and dragged her to the side. Her back burned from the friction of the grass and her skin. She had been saved, but by who? She looked up to see Bolt standing beside her mangled body. He bumped her with his head, trying to get her off the dangerous ground.

The white colored female rose up, slowly getting her wounded stomach off the ground. At the time when the wound left the ground blood started to pour out. Bolt nudged her again, there were more stampeding deaths coming their way. She slowly began to walk, and then trot. Finally they both broke into a run. There was a gap between Feather and Bolt. A Triceratops ran through. The two pack members were nearing the safety of the forest…closer…and closer. Bolt looked away from Feather, there were still more brown beasts. He had seen hunted these creatures before, but he remembered grayish blue animals of the same type with them. They were watching the babies, while the coward males ran.

Bee and Hook were down on there bellies, watching Bolt’s luck. They had watched him save the female, and start to go back…it was all witnessed by his pack members. Bolt was a strong velociraptor, muscles bulged from his legs, arms, and body. The alpha male was proud of himself, he turned to Feather…but she was not there.

Bee was whipped into the air with a body force of 12,000 kilograms. The whiplash of the toss snapped her high curving back. The body of Feather was now upside down in the air. Her head was at the perfect horn level. Just then a giant horn burst through her skull. Her body, still in the air, flung down on the back of the triceratops. She was dead, her corrupted body bounced in the air.

The other pack members watched in horror as one of their own was killed. There was nothing they could do, she was already dead. The bouncing horn tore off Feathers head, sending the dead female body banging on the ground. Her back broken, an impaled chest two ways, a horn hole right through the side of her face and a broken tail-bone kept the dead predator’s body on the ground. The stampede was nearing an end, but at the end of the stampede were the bigger animals, the older. The stampede preceded, each adult crushing more and more of Feather’s body. What a terrible end of the young mating female Velociraptors life.