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- consultant agency: Smith and Conciglia

The Staff

John P. Elliott

has extensive experience as a field producer and television correspondent.

From 1990 to 2002 he was Washington correspondent for Tijdsein and 2vandaag Dutch Television news.

He has made news features in 33 states and 3 Canadian provinces.

He covered the 1996 and 2000 presidential campaigns: the primaries, conventions and general elections. He functioned both as correspondent and field producer for visiting correspondents.

He produces televison news features from initial concept and research to reporting, filming, script writing and editing.

He has an extensive network of contacts both in and outside Washington.

Short Selection of Interviewed Newmakers

-Dr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Secretary General of the United Nations -Li Hongzhi, exiled Chinese leader of the Falun Gong movement -Hanan Ashrawi, spokesperson for the Palestinian Authority -Susan Carpenter MacMillan -Pat Buchanan -Richard Perle -Ambassador Dennis Ross -General Charles Horner -Richard Colby, former director of the CIA -Congressman Dan Burton

Mr Elliott was the only European journalist to obtain an inteview with Heber Jentzsch during, President of the Church of Scientology, during Scientology¹s dispute with the German government in 1997.

Research -

John Elliott has a Ph.D. in History from Columbia University and speaks fluent German and Dutch. John Elliott was the first journalist to see the OSS/CIA¹s archives on World War II Swedish Diplomat Raul Wallenberg.

He can conduct research in the motion picture, still photo and document archives of the National Archives.