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The list below was compiled from the Ellis Island records.  It includes individuals who emigrated to the United States from Italy in the early 1900’s passing through New York.  Some of the people listed “Valle San Giovanni” as their place of residence in Italy.  Others, known to be from Valle San Giovanni, listed their place of residence as “Montorio” or “Teramo”, each about 7 kilometers away.  Also listed are individuals who came from Frondarola, a town about 2 kilometers from Valle San Giovanni.  There are many spelling errors in the records, both in the names of the individuals and in the names of the towns from which they came in Italy.   


,, aa  NAME                 TOWN             YEAR AGE   DAY

,Finizia              Valle S. Giov.     1906 20   5Jun (probably not VSG person)

,Matilde              Valle S. Giov.     1906 21   5Jun (probably not VSG person)

Antimo,Clemente       Valle S. Giov.     1906 50   5Jun (should be Anthony Clemente?)

Attore,Annina         Valli S. Giov      1912  8  14May

Attore,Santo          Valli S. Giov      1912  3  14May

Barresi,Filippo       Valle S. Giovani   1916 24  (wrong town, should be Villa San Giovanni)  

Brumozzi,Domenico     Valle S. Giovi     1922 26  18Sep (spelling error)

Brumozzi,Paolo        Valle S. Guov      1912 19  14May

Brunozzi,Domenico     Valle S. Giovanni  1923 27

Cacciatore,Annunziata Valle Soprana      1909 22  18Apr

Clemente,Alfredo      Montorio           1902 20  27Jan

Clemente,Luigi        Valle S. G...      1911 18   5Dec

Clemente,Stefano      Valle S. Giovanni  1913 19   9Sep

Cosentino,Felice      Valle S. Giovan    1899  8  (wrong town, should be Villa San Giovanni)

Cosentino,Giovanna    S. Giovanni        1907 24  (wrong town, should be Villa San Giovanni)

Cosentino,Guglielmo   Valle S. Giovan    1899 10  (wrong town, should be Villa San Giovanni)

Cosentino,Rachela     Valle S. Giovanni  1899 20  (wrong town, should be Villa San Giovanni)

Cosentino,Raffaela    Valle S. Giovanni  1899 16  (wrong town, should be Villa San Giovanni)

Cosentino,Teresa      Valle S. Giovan    1899 14  (wrong town, should be Villa San Giovanni)

Cosentino,Tobia       Valle S. Giovanni  1899 17  (wrong town, should be Villa San Giovanni)

Craini,Pietro         Valle S. Giovanni  1913 23   9Sep (should be Traini)

De Marco,Pasquale     Valle S. Giov.     1912 19  14May

Di Domenico,Francesco Valle S. Giovanni  1912 45   8Feb

Di Donato,Francesco   Valle S. Giov.     1906 17   5Jun

di Luigi, Giuseppe    Valle S. Giovanni  1911 23

Di Ma...,Giovanna     Valle S. Giov.     1906 44   5Jun

Di Pietro, Filippo    Valle S. Giovanni  1912 16   9Apr

Di Sante,Berardo      Valle S. Giovanni  1912 24   8Feb

Di Pasquale, Domenico Valle S. Giovanna  1906 18   5Jun (spelling error)

Feliz,Rosaria         Valli S. Giov      1912 30  14May (?spelling error)

Ferrilli, Alessandro  Valle S. Giovanni  1909 28  18Apr

Ferrilli,Caterina     Valle S. Gni.      1911 23   5Dec (spelling error)

Fidanza,Vincenzo      Valle S. Gnni      1906 39   9Jun (spelling error)

Finizia,Finizia       Valle S. Giov.     1906 20   5Jun

Gigla,Franco          Valle S. Giovi     1922 34  18Sep (should be Gioia)    

Gioia,Franco          Valle San Giovanni 1923 34  23Aug

Matilde,Matilde       Valle S. Giov.     1906 21   5Jun (probably not VSG person)

Montagnoli,Maria      Valli S. Giov.     1905  4  13Jul

Montagnoli,Giovanni   Valli S. Giov.     1905  2  13Jul  

Montagnoli,Vincenzo   Valle S. Guise     1905 60  24Sep (spelling error)

Parente, Felice       Colle S. Guise     1905     24Sep (spelling error)      

Petrei,Cesina         Valli S. Giov.     1905 24  13Jul

Petrei,Pompeo         Valle S. Giov.     1905 27  13Jul

Queiti,Serafino       Montorio           1903 27  12Aug (spelling error)

Quieti,Serafino       Valle S. Giovanni  1912 36  14May

Scarponi,Simme        Valle S. Giovno    1912 26   9Apr (spelling error)

Scarranese,Emilia     Montorio           1922 25  18Sep

Scorranese,Antonio    -                  1904  -   7May (no town given)

Scorranese,Guiseppe   S. Giovani         1907 31   5Mar   (spelling error)

Scorranese,Pasquale   Mantorio,Teramo    1908 23  23Nov (spelling error)

Sinigaglia,Francesco  Valle S. Giov.     1911 22  28May

Tarantz,M..ia         Valle S. Giovanni  1899 51  (wrong town, should be Villa San Giovanni)

Traini,Antonio        Valle S. Giovanna  1906 18   5Jun

Traini,Francesco      Montorio           1907 33  21Mar

Traini,Francesco      Montorio           1912 28   9APR

Traini,Luigi          Valle S. Giov.     1912 26  14May

Troiani,Antonio       Valle S. Giov.     1912 17  14May 

Ulisse,Franco         Teranio            1906 24  11Mar (spelling error)

Ulissi,Giovanni       Montorio           1911 23  31Jan

Ulissi,Giovanni       Valle S./Giovanna  1906 18   5Jun (spelling error)  

Vetuschi,Antonio      Valle S. Giov.     1906 20   5Jun

Vetuschi,Ernesto      Valle S. Giovanna  1906 26   5Jun (spelling error)