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Rush Hour 3

No Poster at this time.






Actor ............. Character
Jackie Chan   Chief Inspecter Lee
Chris Tucker   Detective James Carter


It is not known what the plot is at this point. What I do know is that they will be going to New York City. There are filming locations for France, Germany, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, CA, USA, New York City, NY, USA , Paris, Russia. So my guess is that they probably follow another bad guy through Europe. It will probably start where the last one left off on a plane to New York City.



Jeff Eastin written by
Ross LaManna characters
Jason Richman written by
John Rogers


Roger Birnbaum .... producer
Leon Dudevoir .... executive producer
James M. Freitag .... associate producer
Jonathan Glickman .... producer
Arthur M. Sarkissian .... producer
Jay Stern .... producer

Studio: New Line Cinema

Release Date: Summer 2006


Projected Rating:
Probably PG-13 like the others.

How excited we are about this film: 5 out of 5


Brett Ratner


Genre: Comedy/Action


If this is like any of the last two in the series it will be a really great action/comedy movie.




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