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David Chockachi

Birth name: David Al-Chokhachy
Date/Place of birth:16 January 1968, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Trivia: (1997) Chosen by "People" magazine as one of the 50 Most Beautiful People
Sometimes Credited As: David Chokes

A championship athlete and an accomplished actor, David Chokachi is a natural for the role of Cody Madison, a handsome world-class Olympic swimming hopeful who supplements his training while working as a "Baywatch" lifeguard. Like his character, Chokachi began his athletic career at an early age with the strong support of his family. A gifted amateur athlete, he excelled in baseball, football, wrestling and sailing by the age of ten.
Born and raised in New England, Chokachi comes from a family of sports enthusiasts and avid campers. His younger brother is an extreme skier and his mother is a talented horseman. Chokachi spent his summers on the water, sailing and windsurfing. In 1984, he ranked 12th in the Jr. National Windsurfing Championships.
Chokachi also developed a strong interest in action drama, thanks in part to his parents' home video camera. "When we weren't playing sports, my brother and I were making movies. We were big 'Miami Vice' fans, and we were always trying to recreate the big action sequences -- jumping over fences, falling down stairs, and running around the house."
A varsity letterman in football, lacrosse, and wrestling, Chokachi attended Bates College in Maine on an athletic scholarship where he entered the Semester at Sea college program during his junior year.

Living aboard a sailing vessel, the students traveled to 12 countries, including Spain,Yugoslavia, Turkey, Russian Republic, Egypt, India, Malaysia, Singapore, China, Taiwan and Japan.
A political science major, his experience abroad heightened his interest in foreign and domestic affairs. Upon receiving his bachelor's degree in political science, Chokachi became a legislative aide for Massachusetts congressman Gerry Studds.
Chokachi spent a year walking the halls of Congress, but his initial interest in acting led him to set aside plans for law school and devote himself full-time to modeling and acting. He signed with an agent in Boston and began studying acting seriously. After honing his craft, Chokachi moved to Los Angeles where he quickly became a busy commercial actor for several national accounts.

In a relatively short amount of time, the 5' 11", blue-eyed actor has established an extensive resume in motion pictures, television and theatrical productions. Most recently, Chokachi was seen in the MGM motion picture "Blown Away," starring Jeff Bridges and Tommy Lee Jones, and the Warner Bros. production "With Honors." His numerous theatrical roles include "Death of a Salesman," "Golden Boy," "Picnic," and "True West."
Deeply committed to environmental preservation, Chokachi recently returned from a two


week endangered species expedition.
When not on the set or traveling, Chokachi maintains a rigorous daily training regimen involving weight lifting, swimming, running, and mountain biking. He currently resides in Brentwood.

The image is the quintessential California Beach boy: blond, buffed and bronzed. The reality is a New England native, with a degree in Political Science, an interest in the environment and a regular role on the number one series in the world. Now starring in his fourth season on the internationally popular Baywatch, David Chokachi has become the breakout favorite as lifeguard "Cody Madison," a competitive swimmer whose Olympic dreams were dashed by injury.

In addition to Baywatch, Chokachi starred in "Bad to The Bone," an ABC Movie-of-the-Week
with Jeremy London and Kristy Swanson, which aired in October 1997. In this telefilm, he played a successful, hip nightclub entrepreneur married to a scheming, manipulative woman who takes a life insurance policy on him and has him killed.

Baywatch may have become America's most famous beach, but Chokachi was born and raised on the shores of what could be called America's first beach: Plymouth, Massachusetts. Early on he recalls a fascination with movies: he and his brother would "borrow" their parents home video camera to recreate their favorite action series of the day, "Miami Vice," complete with staged stunts and dubbed music.
A natural athlete, Chokachi excelled at water sports and earned varsity letters in football, lacrosse and wrestling, while never losing focus on his academics. As a result, he was granted a scholarship to New England's highly competitive Bates College. During his junior year at Bates, he was one of a select group of students accepted into the Semester at Sea Program. Living abroad a sailing vessel, the students traveled to primarily Third World countries, including Egypt, India, Turkey, Malaysia and China.
The voyage also offered a first-hand view of the deterioration of the planet on a global scale, which made a lasting impression on the young student. After earning his degree in political science, he considered a career in environmental law. Massachusetts Congressman Gerry Studds was the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Wildlife and Fisheries, and Chokachi became his legislative aide, learning about how he could help environmental issues in the halls of Congress.
Today, Chokachi remains committed to environmental causes, including The American Oceans Campaign and the Surfrider Foundation. He marvels that his success as an actor has accorded him a greater voice for change than if he had followed that first path towards an occupation in law or government. "I appreciate that I can really have an effect on things I care about," he comments, "It's an obligation I take seriously."
He might never have had the opportunity to take on that responsibility had he not, on a whim, responded to an ad seeking young models and actors. From his first assignment, he knew he had found the direction his life would take. With his trademark dedication, he began training at night while working days as a model and commercial actor. He spent two years commuting between Boston and New York doing commercials before deciding the time was right to move to Los Angeles to further pursue his career. He soon became a busy commercial actor for several national campaigns. He also appeared in the feature film WITH HONORS. Four years ago Chokachi landed the role on Baywatch which brings together all the loves of his life: acting, water sports and environmental concerns. He also enjoys that his athletic ability allows him to tackle many of his own stunts on the show.
Chokachi describes the part of 'Cody', a down-to-earth Indiana farm boy, as "fun to play," adding, "at times I'd love to be the evil guy, but I know there are a lot of young viewers and I'd rather he be a role model."
Having seemingly limitless energy, Chokachi's spare time is spent in such physical pursuits as extreme skiing, white water rafting, sky diving and bungee jumping. With his track record for taking things to the max and striving for excellence in everything he undertakes, the future promises many exciting new challenges for this remarkable young man.


David Chokachi received a serious “Welcome to Los Angeles” reception when three days after moving here — on the night of his birthday, coincidentally — the Northridge earthquake hit the city. “It was like, ‘What the hell is this? I’m packing the car,’” recalls the Plymouth, Massachusetts native laughing. Chokachi, who was on Baywatch for four years and named one of the 50 most beautiful people in People magazine in 1997, now plays a New York City detective in the new TNT Original Series, Witchblade — a detective show with a supernatural twist, in which he stars with Yancy Butler.

Chokachi’s interest in acting was sparked at the age of 10 or 11, when he and his brother and friends would make home movies (“Miami Vice rip-offs”). They acted out drug deals gone bad, filling plastic baggies with flour to simulate cocaine. However, Chokachi did not actually pursue acting until much later. The political science graduate initially worked for a congressman in Washington. Then he began working construction, trying modeling to make some extra cash. After numerous modeling gigs he was sent to audition for a commercial.

“I met some really interesting people there who taught acting classes in the studio, and I thought I’d just try some classes. It can’t hurt — to help for commercials — and then it just kind of snowballed from there,” he explains. Soon he was splitting time in Boston and New York, taking acting classes all the while, eventually moving out to L.A. with a friend.

After about a year and a half on the West Coast, Chokachi landed the role of lifeguard Cody Madison on Baywatch. Since then he has appeared in several films and TV movies and has had guest roles in Suddenly Susan and Sabrina, the Teenage Witch.

To get into his role for Witchblade, Chokachi read fictional works about homicide detectives and trained with an instructor of Israeli street fighting. “He also teaches SWAT teams on how to use guns, how to take away guns, how to enter into a room where there’s potential danger, how to clear a room with a gun, and all that kind of technical training that we need to know because we don’t have an on-set advisor when it comes to that. So that stuff was invaluable, because we’re portraying these guys who put their lives on the line every day, and you want to give them the utmost respect for what they’re doing.”

Witchblade premiered on June 12 and appears on TNT every Tuesday night at 9 by Kyle Christy



by Dan Snierson

He graduated from Bates College with a degree in poli sci.... He worked on Capitol Hill researching environmental issues.... He's playing a reckless hunk caught in the lies-seduction-betrayal-death scenario in the ABC movie Bad to the Bone (Oct. 19, 9-11 p.m.).... You probably know him as the 29-year-old studly sensation of Baywatch. But there's a lot more you probably don't know about David Chokachi.

EW: How many David Hasselhoff albums do you own?

DAVID CHOKACHI: Only one, which he gave [each cast member] as a gift. Actually, I don't mind his music--it's kinda hip. We had a party, and he sang a bunch of songs. He didn't throw any big kicks, but he was a true showman, cracking jokes with the audience. I'd see him in concert.

EW: Your college thesis was titled The Politics of Deforestation in Latin America. Do you ever think of that while you're shaving your body hair for Baywatch?

DC: It's environmentally sound because you use less soap. But it does itch when it grows out. Yasmine [Bleeth] came into the trailer when I was being shaved and said, "In all my years in this business, I've never seen an actor getting his armpit shaved by the makeup lady."

EW: If you have a bad reputation, what is it for?

DC: Pranks. You name it and I'm doing it--putting Gena [Lee Nolin]'s underwear on my head and running around. Last year, I found this huge dead rat on the beach--it was 18 inches long. So I stuffed it in Yasmine's bathing suit. She was really p---ed because the thing just stunk. So she went on Oprah and said how bad the "shrinkage" is for the Baywatch men when they jump in the water--particularly David Chokachi.

EW: Tell us your deepest, darkest, most embarrassing secret.

DC: I bawled when Old Yeller got shot. Oh, man, the way they just set you up with that movie--it's bru-tal! I love animals--more than most humans. Did you ever read Where the Red Fern Grows? It's a great book about these two dogs who hunt raccoons. When one of them gets killed, I was like, waaahhhhh [mock-sobs profusely]. It was the saddest thing.

EW: What's the cheesiest pickup line you've heard at the beach?

DC: "Didn't I rescue you once?"

EW: Who tried to pull that on you?

DC: No, that's the one I use.

TVGEN Chat Transcript

December 1, 1998

TVGEN: Welcome! Tonight's chat is with Baywatch's David Chokachi. And tune in at this time all week long as TVGEN and Yahoo will be chatting with a different Baywatch star each night this week. Welcome David. Thanks for joining us!

David Chokachi: What's up everyone, let's get down to business!

gymnast98_1999: How long has Baywatch been around?

Chokachi: We just finished shooting our ninth year.

BrazilianGrl: Do you like working at Baywatch?

Chokachi: Definitely. I grew up in the east coast of the US, and grew up doing a lot of athletics and outside activities, so for me this was the perfect show to shoot because out of five days, four of them are on the beach or water. It isn't a bad deal.

babygirl_30597: What did you major in in college?

Chokachi: I went to a liberal arts school called Bates College in Maine. I majored in Political Science. I played football and lacrosse, and skied recreationally in the winter.

dbcinski: Do you work out every day?

Chokachi: Pretty much. But I also do a lot of cross-training-type things that I enjoy, like mountain biking, snowboarding, etc. And every day I do pretty much one of them, if not going to the gym or running. I try to stay out of the gym actually, I'm sort of sick of the atmosphere. I go trail running up in the mountains. I'll usually lift weights once a week and then do an ocean workout where you paddle these paddle boards and then swim. Basically a little of everything.

sunny_823: How did you get on Baywatch and how long have you been working at this job?

Chokachi: I just finished my fourth year on the show. And I was just basically an actor in L.A. and just auditioned. It took four auditions.

Krystall_22: David, how long did it take you to train for the part on Baywatch?

Chokachi: Not that long, because I naturally just stay in shape. I like to be in shape. The only thing I had to do more of was swim because my character is an Olympic swimmer. I usually swim about twice a week now.

coolman106: What do you like to do in your spare time?

Chokachi: Pretty much, it depends what season of the year it is. Summer is camping, surfing and volleyball. And winter skiing and snowboarding quite a bit.

tommygirl_13__98: How old are you?

Chokachi: I'm 30.

camiliac: David: what did you do before you became an actor?

Chokachi: Right before I got on the show I was working construction, modeling and studying acting.

Candy_e1_98 asks: Have you wanted to do anything other then acting?

Chokachi: Originally when I started out, I worked for a congressman down in D.C. I was interested in the environment. I was contemplating a career in environmental studies or in environmental consulting. Then I just was biding time before grad school, and started modeling, and kind of one thing led to another. I met these people who owned an acting studio and started studying with them. Moved to New York for a bit and auditioned some and studied, and then made the move to L.A.

IRSHGRL3: Do you have any favorite actors or actresses?

Chokachi: Definitely. Val Kilmer is one of them. It's tough, there are so many. Obviously the guys like Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro, those guys are legends. Grace Kelly. The list is endless.

Nikki_80_98: Are you single?

Chokachi: Yes. I mean officially. Nothing serious right now. Still recovering from my last relationship.

BrazilianGrl: What type of girl do you like?

Chokachi: Brazilian girls, about five ten, athletic and beautiful.

BaywatchAngel: Of all the Baywatch babes that you've kissed onscreen, who has been the best kisser?

Chokachi: I'd have to say Pamela.

sTrAwBeRryKiSsEs18: David, how long does it take you to prepare for a role?

Chokachi: For the show, you are doing it for so long, all you have to do is prepare the material basically and put your character in there. But if you're preparing for a movie, I'd say anywhere from like a month to three months, and probably more if it's a big feature.

DiamondBabe_98: Has the show surprised you at all with your role?

Chokachi: Not really surprised me. Over the years I've been allowed to have a good amount of input with my character and what happens to him.

sunny_823: What's the best thing about working on Baywatch?

Chokachi: Probably that we're not in the studio really, only one out of five days. So we get to go scuba diving, beat the s--t out of bad guys, drive those big boats, and save a lot of lives!

SgtRLance13: Hi David! You are such a GREAT actor! I always look forward to watching Baywatch every Monday! So, can you reveal any upcoming events in the show? PLEEEASE?

Chokachi: We all go to Australia at the end of the year for two episodes. And I hook up with a bunch of guest stars throughout the year.

Jen4525: How do you think the two newcomers Mitzi and Brooke have done this season?

Chokachi: Excellent. Mitzi is a great actress, and she brings a lot of depth to the show as far as the women are concerned. And Brooke is a whole new young energy, and she's gorgeous, too.

Krystall_22: What episode, if any, has hit you emotionally the most?

Chokachi: I did one last year called "Missing," where I lose a victim, and it had some pretty good stuff in it. I left the tower early and a girl drowned. So my character went through all this crap, torture.

coolman106: What's it like working with David Hasselhoff?

Chokachi: It's awesome. He's such a great guy, and over the years he has become a good friend of mine. And after we finished shooting in Australia, he and I and two friends of his traveled all around Australia for a week and went diving and adventuring.

Poofoo_98: How do you deal with all the women who practically throw themselves at you?

Chokachi: One at a time!

BaywatchAngel: I've seen a lot of pictures with you and Gena Lee Nolin, do you guys hang out a lot?

Chokachi: We used to in the beginning because we started together on the show, but she's married and has a kid, so I see her, but not as much as before.

BrazilianGrl: What is your dream girl? Chokachi: God, you know, a girl who is really confident about herself. She doesn't have to be supremely gorgeous, but pretty is nice. Some one who has a good attitude, is a good athlete, and who likes to do things out of doors.

OneCuteGuy_18: How can you concentrate working with all those hotties around you on the set?

Chokachi: You know you work with them so much, and you see them from 6 a.m. till 6 p.m., they sort of become like sisters. You just sort of lose that goo-goo-ness over the girls. I mean they're hot, but at 6 a.m. and all that s--t, after a while

BaywatchAngel: I hear you're a big prankster. What has been the worst prank that you've ever pulled?

Chokachi: That's a good one. Probably, I found a dead rat on the beach, and I got part of it down Yasmine's bathing suit. She freaked. She got me back. My character is an Olympic swimmer, and these women were in my trailer shaving my chest, and she came in and saw it, and Entertainment Tonight happened to be there that day. And she went out, and two minutes later did her interview for ET, and told them, "I have never seen this in all my years as an actress. That David Chokachi was in the makeup trailer, and there were two women shaving his body parts."

camiliac: When you are shooting, are there fans watching?

Chokachi: Yes, because we shoot on state beaches. It's roped off, and there are police, but the public gets pretty close to watch.

teritermite44: Which cast members can't swim?

Chokachi: The ones who got fired last year.

Vikings_fan_99: How is the show different from when Pamela, Yasmine, Donna, Tracy, and Gena Lee Nolin were on the show?

Chokachi: It's really not that different. Actually now the cast has been narrowed down to a smaller group, there are only six of us, and it's actually better because the characters are developed more.

acepilot12: David, did you like diving with the GOLDEN KNIGHTS?

Chokachi: I unfortunately did not get to, but David Hasselhoff did.

WSRAJST: When is your birthday?

Chokachi: January 16, 1968.

Pride51: What are your favorite hockey, baseball and football teams?

Chokachi: New England Patriots, Boston Red Sox, and the Bruins.

sunny_823: What kind of music do you listen to?

Chokachi: A lot, almost everything, from classical to reggae, to all the alternative music there is.

jaimie169: What is your favorite CD that you own?

Chokachi: Right now, maybe the Smashing Pumpkins disc, called The Door.

MeganB2001: Do you have any pets?

Chokachi: Not in L.A., because I travel too much. But back home we have three German Shepherds.

sweetbasketballgirl: What is your middle name?

Chokachi: Coombs.

WSRAJST: Do you speak any other lenguages? Which ones?

Chokachi: Spanish, and it's mediocre.

Poofoo_98: What is the most embarassing thing that ever happened to you?

Chokachi: Taking a girl to dinner, not having my wallet. That was rough.

ND527: What does it feel like to be a teen heart throb?

Chokachi: I didn't know I was, but I'm grateful that teenagers are interested in my acting and watching my characters.

bleger98: Hi David, how are you? Are there any upcoming Baywatch movies?

Chokachi: Maybe the Australia one, but I do not know.

GAPgal30: Would you trade this life at all?

Chokachi: To be a pro football player, yeah. Or pro snowboarding.

camiliac: What is your favorite sport?

Chokachi: To watch, definitely football. To play, football or snowboarding.

LIFESUCKS2000: What advice would you have for me if I wanted to become an actor?

Chokachi: Don't make any drastic moves. Just maybe begin in some drama program, or studying, see if you like it, see if you have some talent for it and see if you want to do it. So many people just end up waiting tables and with no money after jumping ship.

NishaPooh98: David, how do I get an audition for Baywatch?

Chokachi: Move to L.A. Get an agent. Have him submit you.

camiliac: Were you a jock in high school?

Chokachi: Yeah, pretty much. I played three sports for all four years. Football, wrestling and lacrosse.

sTrAwBeRryKiSsEs18: David, how long do you plan to stay with Baywatch? Do you have any plans for what you will do when your contract is up?

Chokachi: Yeah, I definitely have plans for my next move, and I do not know how long I will stay.

Candy_e1_98: David, do you plan to act in the movies?

Chokachi: Movies or another good TV show with good writing, something like that. Anything where there is a good story to tell.

camiliac: Who would you like to make a movie with?

Chokachi: It would probably be an ensemble cast of young actors my age. I'd love to do a western, and I'm actually auditioning for a war movie. Matthew McCoughney has been offered the lead.

BaywatchAngel: Are you working on anything right now?

Chokachi: We just wrapped the show three weeks ago in Australia. So I currently am just taking meetings and auditioning.

tangier65: Hey Dave, boxers or briefs?

Chokachi: Boxers all the way!

Dariaprime99: Do you have a social life?

Chokachi: Absolutely. I hang out with a core of good friends out here. Pretty much on weekends we go out and listen to good music, play pool, and go out perusing the female species.

coolman106: Do you hang out with some of the cast members of Baywatch?

Chokachi: Yeah. I still see Pamela and Yasmine and Alexandra, and that guy Michael Bergin who is on our show this year. Jason Simmons from a few years ago. That's basically the crew.

alana2626: Did you like working with Carmen Electra?

Chokachi: Yeah, we had some good times together.

__talktomenow__ : How old is Jeremy Jackson, and how come he's only on a few episodes?

Chokachi: I think he's 16. And he was just kind of getting old for his character, and they weren't sure what to do with him.

Krystall_22: Do you all really get along on the set? Chokachi: Yes, you know, there are some moments, but for the most part everybody for the four years I've worked there has been great.

bt98: David, what is your favorite episode of Baywatch?

Chokachi: Probably we did a good one this year where Michael, Brooke and I are competing in this triathalon. It was some good comedy.

__talktomenow__ : How did you get the role on Sabrina The Teenage Witch?

Chokachi: They offered it to me. They called my manager. It was fun doing the show, Melissa is a great girl.

slec99: What is the best advice you have received?

Chokachi: Keep your eyes on the road, and your hands upon the wheel. And we're going to the Roadhouse.

tigersbass: How do you like being famous?

Chokachi: It has its ups and downs. The up side is you get to go on a lot of free trips, you can cut lines, go to athletic events. The downs would be that when you are in public people are watching you even if you don't think they are. So you have to curtail your nuttiness. Sometimes you have to think twice before you go off.

sun_flower14: Can you walk on the streets without being noticed?

Chokachi: Sure, depends where you are.

hypercrazeberry: How many episodes a day do you do?

Chokachi: We do one a week. We usually work about 12 or 13 hours a day, five days a week.

coolman106: What cool things will happen with Cody this season?

Chokachi: He attempts to make the US Olympic team for 2000. Falls in love with about four different girls. What else is there in life?

Ricks__Girl: Who do you admire most, David?

Chokachi: God. I'd have to say my parents. They've done a good job at staying together, being happy and raising three kids.

christianyouth: What advice would you give teenagers about going after their dreams?

Chokachi: Go for them. But have a fallback plan for sure.

bt98: Do you have your own web site?

Chokachi: No. But I am on the internet a lot.

mitzik_rulz98: Do you have any concerns that this might be Baywatch's last year? I think it's just a rumor.

Chokachi: I think it's just a rumor also. They are considering doing some different things as far as where they are going to shoot the show, but our ratings this year are better than they have been in a few years.

TVGEN: What exciting things are up next for you?

Chokachi: I host a special with Princess Stephanie that is going to air on ABC in January or February, and it's about magic, but it's really funny.

TVGEN: Thanks so much for joining us! Come back again please! And best of luck!

Chokachi: Thanks a lot, got to go eat dinner, good luck with all your endeavors, and keep watching!

TV Hits: COOL!

April 1996

Is it tough being a star on a show like Baywatch?
David Chokachi: It's a good show, but we get more respect here than in America - people look down on us there. It's great to come here where people like us!
Gena Nolin: I think Baywatch is such a hit here because of the weather. People here love the idea of California Dreaming with the girls and the hunks!

Have you got lots of so-called friends now you're famous?
Gena: I have second and third cousins coming out of the woodwork! It's amazing. I have people who met me when I was four years old at kindergarten saying, 'Hi, let's get together again!' But it comes with the job course! I'm in this and I Iove the fame and the show, but I’d be just as happy if it hadn't happened.

Do you ever worry people think you're naff?
David: It's difficult when you go up for an audition for something like a feature film! Because of the success of Baywatch some people in the industry are against it. It was canned after the first year but then came back to be the biggest programme in the world.

Do you want to be movie stars?
David: Absolutely! If somebody's interested in an acting career, it does give you a lot of power being in Baywatch all the same! The movie industry is looking to sell films to an international audience and we've got a big following abroad.
Gena: It also gives you the chance to meet people you never thought you'd meet. Over a billion people a week watch the show - it's unreal!

Can you really swim?
David: Of course I can! My character's supposed to be an Olympic swimmer so I have to swim a bit. I’ve got a Masters Award in swimming. But I had to train for the part because there's a big difference between an Olympic swimmer and someone who can swim.
Gena: During the auditions for the show the producers made sure we could do things. I think they've hired people before and then found out they couldn't go in the water because they were afraid.

Do the creatures in the sea ever scare you?
Gena: They're there but you just have to be careful. There are jellyfish and sharks - one day my mother came on the set and she got stung by a jellyfish!

Do you take beach holidays?
David: It's weird. We spend five days a week on the beach but then at the weekends all my friends phone up and say, 'Let's go to the beach and play volleyball ' and I'm like 'Woah! No!' But we go down the beach and play anyway.

Do all the blokes on the show – except chest-wig Hasselhoff – shave their chests?
David: I shave my chest because the hair doesn't grow evenly. On TV you need to look a lot more defined. But I don't personally have any strict regulations about what I do. David doesn't come round and say, 'Put down that choccie bar because you're putting on weigh!'
Gena: David Hasselhoff’s incredible! He's tall and lean and gorgeous and... what is he? 44?

Will you be following Mr. Hasselhoff into a singing career?
Gena: I wish! I wish that I could sing!

Do you plan staying on Baywatch?
David: David Hasselhoff has said over the last season that he's now got one of the best chemistries of cast on Baywatch that he's ever had. And that’s great. As long as the show keeps doing all right, I’ll stay in it for a few years!
Gena: We've both signed five year contracts so it depends on how well the show is doing, but I’d like to stay there, for a while yet definitely!