Welcome to this all new series of G.I.Joe adventures!
I know it's been a rough ride getting here, but at long last I present
G.I.JOE WARFARE II!! This is the sequel to
"G.I.Joe: Warfare", my
first dio-story. Now there are big changes in this story, but
the stories are linked, trust me. I want to thank everyone for the emails
I got about the old site, and can't wait to see what you have to say
about this...The next level of action, adventure, and warfare!
10/7...I've added a new episode today, I hope you enjoy it! I'm trying a new format (3 pics at a time). How do you like it? I'd appreciate your feedback!
10/14...Added new episode, 4 profiles, and began the links section. Also, here's the link to my
guestbook, please sign it with your comments!
10/21...Added a new episode!
10/28...Added another new episode!
11/4...New episode, new profiles (Woooo hoo!)
11/19...Just wanted to pass on some info! I'm swamped with school and holiday stuff just now, expect regular updates in December! Thanks for your comments, hang with me! This is going to get even better!
12/21...Happy Holidays! I've kept you waiting for so long, how about two new episodes? Not good enough? Ok, I've also added "Destro" to the profiles!
12/30...New episode!!!
1/6/02 (Happy New Year!)...No new episode this week, but please have a look at my Ebay auctions!
1/20...New episode and profiles!
3/24...New episodes and a new profile!
6/04...New episodes are coming, as well an incredible new special feature!
7/18/02...Conclusion of "Rogue American Heroes", profiles & teaser page for final story arc, "Warfare" added!!
8/18/02...It's here...Warfare! The first two parts of this five part battle royal are now up!
8/28/02...Another episode added!
01/14/04...The final 3 episodes are finally here! Enjoy, and thanks for all the emails!
~Mike (Destro607@yahoo.com)