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Peregrin 'Pippin' Took

Name: Peregrin Took

Date of Birth: 1390 S.R.
Parents: Paladin II Took & Eglatine Banks
Race: Hobbit
Weapon: Short Sword

Name: Billy Boyd
Birth Name: William (Billy) Boyd
Date of Birth: 28 August, 1968
Place of Birth: Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Nickname: Bill
Height: 5’7”
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black
Mother: Mary
Father: William
Sister: Margaret
Education: Royal Scottish Academy of Music & Drama
Earlier Jobs: Pub Rocker and Book Binder
Hobbies: Surfing, Playing music (Guitar & Bass), Drinking
Favorite Drink Malt Whisky
Favorite Color Blue

Random Trivia
Lord of the Rings was the only book Billy did not read while working as a book binder. He tried to read it once when on holiday in Florida but after a few chapters he dropped it into the pool.
A Tattoo on his ankle. The elvish word for nine.

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"Pippin [is] a character whose naivety and inquisitive nature almost add up to bravery." (Sunday Times)
To play one of the main characters in it, it's not the kind of thing you don't do. Oh, I'd rather not play Pippin in Lord of the Rings..., In fact, what else would you rather do, you know? I can't actually think of another job that I'd rather do."
"Hobbits are a lot like Scots. It's all about nature and enjoying their land, which is a very Scottish thing."
"I realised that it was just about Pippin and some other people!" After reading 'Lord of the Rings' for the first time.
On being asked if he could relate to his character, Pippin: "Strangely enough, the first time I tried to read the book I was on holiday in Florida. I dropped it in the pool my first day there. If that's not a Pippin thing to do, I don't know what is."