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Name: Eomer
Date of Birth: 2991 T.A.
Parents: Eomund & Theodwyn
Race: Human
Weapon: Guthwine

Name: Karl Urban
Date of Birth: June 7, 1972
Place of Birth: Wellington, New Zealand
Height: 6’0”
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Father: Leather goods manufacturer
Children: Hunter
Earlier Profession: Worked on a farm,
Hobbies: Fishing, surfing, golf, gardening, indoor rock climbing
Favorite Movies: Genre Science Fiction
Favorite Music: Bob Marley, Miles Davis, Red Hot Chili Peppers album’s Californication, Mike Cave, Pixies, Carole King, Lauryn Hill

Random Trivia
Has a black lab terrior named Ire after a Bob Marley song (from the album Uprising)

