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Quotes from the Films

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them

The Fellowship of the Ring

"History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and half thousand yearss, the ring passed out of all knowledge." (Narrator)

"I feel thin, sor of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread." (Bilbo)

"Riddles in the dark" (Gandalf)

"Hobbits really are amazing creatures. You can learn all that there is to know about their way in a month. And yet, after a hundred years, they can still surprise you." (Gandalf)

"Against the power of Mordor, there can be no victory" (Saruman)

"When did Saruman the Wise abandon reason for madness" (Gandalf)

"I can avoid being seen if I wish. But to disappear completely, that is a rare gift." (Strider)

"There is only one Lord of the Ring. Only one who can bend it to his will. And he does not share power." (Gandalf)

"Strangers from different lands, friends of old. You've been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Midde-Earth stands upon th epoint of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite or you will fall." (Elrond)

"It's Black Gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. The Great Eyes is ever-watchful. It is a barren wasteland riddle with fire, and ash, and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume." (Boromir)

"I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened." (Frodo)

"There are other forces at work in ths world, Frodo besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you also were meand to have it. And that is an encouraging thought." (Gandalf)

"I would have followed you, my brother. My Captain. My King." (Boromir)

"I made a promise, Mr. Frodo. A promis: 'Don't you leave him, Samwise Gamgee'. And i don't mean to, i don't mean to." (Sam)

"I would have gone with oyu to the end. Into the very fire of Mordor." (Aragorn)

"I ask only for the strength to defend me people! If you would but lend me the Ring. What chance do you think you have? They will find you. They will take the Ring. And you will beg for death before the end! You fool! I see your mind. You will take the Ring to Sauron. You will betray us! You'll go to your death, and the death of us all." (Boromir)