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Thoughts of the Day

"Back to working on my website..will be updating it soon" 11-12-2004

"Geesh, I haven't written here in a more semester to go for much to do..biggest news is that I got a puppy named Sabi! Cutest thing in the world, he is.." 1-24-03

"Another fun weekend..Me and my sweetie Homer spent the weekend at Bert's camp in Union, ME with Bert, Audrey, Duck, Charlotte, Chris, Sean and Bert's parents for Bert's birthday..went tubing and kayaking which was a lot of fun..Homer and I chased some loons with the kayak..Lots of fun..and yes the lake was cold that night and the fart can be very funny if your not the one being farted on..Sure Nick is already missing that massage recliner ;) fun fun fun" 9-01-02

"What a day..woke up around 7:30...went to Kittery with Charlotte, my cousin Tim and his friends Jim and Greg..then we went to Hooters in our pic with the Hooter Girls..then the NH liquor store..had so much fun with those guys..laughed the whole trip..despite canceling my eye appointment and getting crap from the receptionist..I had a Great day.." 8-26-02

"Just added a new page to my favorite art..School is in less than 2 weeks away..actually looking foward to it..weird eh?" 8-22-02

"Wow I have been lazy when it comes to this website..feel bad about it..summer is almost over and i have barely done a thing..Saw the band Incubus again..very to meet Phathom Planet..very cool..finished ceramics an A and met some interesting people like Suzie, Mycena and like a month left of summer seems little time and so much to want to do.." 7-28-02

"I have been sooo busy I haven't been able to work on my site...but I just had the best past five days that I had to write it down. Homer finally came back from Miami..then we drove down to Pennsylvania and went to Falling Water, a house built on a water fall designed by the genisus Frank Lloyd Wright and then we went to Hershey,PA home of Hershey Chocolate World! Loads of fun and I had a great time with Homer who I love even more for turning the car around and taking me to Hershey even though that meant we got back to Maine at 4am. SOOO Happy!!! oh yeah and I got a raise at work..what a perfect week its been!" 5-30-02

"Been very busy, also working on another website for one of my classes..will get to this website at some point.."3-5-02

"What a long Day!! Up in Orono now for a relaxing weekend..much needed." 1-19-02

"Its a new year..thank god...just got back from Maryland..had a great time..*8 months today with my sweetie Homer..Luv you sweetie... :) " 1-11-02

"Survived my marketing test tonight..still have to take the second part online..argh.." 12-18-01

"Just got back from a weekend in fun and all I can say is that "I LOVE YOU HOMER!!!" 12-09-01

"Got to interview David Geary today (owner of Geary's Brewing Company..first brewery in New England)...very nice guy..learned a lot about BEER!" 12-03-01

"Just found out George Harrison died...very sad about that..he was a great musician..geesh that really sucks.. :*(" 11-30-01

"Danger of the Day: eletricians come in, replace lightbulbs..after they falls from the ceiling, shattering all over the one was hurt..but geesh what a mess..." 11-29-01

"sick all day...DAMN NACHOS.....!!!!!" 11-28-01

"I got an A on my creative writing story...YAY!!!In five years of teaching Creative Writing at USM you are only the second student who has had the guts to actually write the love making scene and you did it believably and wonderfully." 11-20-01

"Cabaret is one weird movie..." 11-19-01

"I got a new bird this week, his name is Wayne." 11-17-01