1000 Words » Avatars » Site Info, Terms of Use, Disclaimer, etc.
How do I use these avatars?
What are the terms of using these avatars?
See the next section.
Why do you make avatars to give away?
To help make the world a better place. :) Plus, it gives me a chance to practice my graphics skills.
Where did you find the pictures you used?
Some of them I've had so long that I don't remember. The ones I do remember are listed with the other credits on the main Site Info Page.
Visitors are free to use these avatars/icons as long as they abide by the following:
This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We believe that its use here constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. The pictures and information on this completely unofficial site are displayed solely for entertainment purposes, and no profit is being made by the webmistress. If you feel that your work has not been properly credited, please contact the webmistress and the material in question will be promptly amended or removed.
Any ads placed on this site are done so by its host, angelfire.com, and any website you visit from said ads is solely the responsibility of the vendor, merchant, or other party supplying the ad and its target website. The webmistress of 1000 Words does not endorse, guarantee, nor support the content of third party ads or links.
{Avatars} + {Site Info/Disclaimer}
This site is part of 1000 Words and the portal fan art collective.
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