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Photo Gallery
RPG Maker


Latest News:

08/05/03- I'm starting to work on my game again, after my sudden increase in luck. I should have the first episode done in a couple days. Look for the download in the appropriate section!

07/31/03- Well I'm back folks! It has been awhile, but I've finally returned to bring this site back to life. I'm changing gears however, and I'm changing the format of the site. I want to focus on Current Events, Dead Journal, and my RPG. So stay tuned for updates!

05/26/03- I apologize for the SEVERE lack of updates. Right now, things are very HECTIC in my life. As soon as they are sorted out, you can expect regular updates. At the very latest, you can expect a new update on 06/02/03. I'll explain everything in a possible Journal section I will add to the site. Till then, hasta luego!

05/13/03- A new update will be coming either tomorrow or the day after. Also, I am considering buying a WQV-3 off of eBay so I can take nicer full color pictures.

05/11/03- Here's the story. I created  this website because I wanted to do something fun. Everyone at my school constantly asks me what kind of pics I take on my watch, and are always asking me what they look like? Well, here's your chance! Check out the photo gallery to the left, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking them.

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This site was last updated 02/28/04