Main Archive

Welcome to the archive. Use the links below to help you find a review, or just look around. Unlike some critics, I grade the movies I see primarily on their quality. Some critics review movies based on how well they liked the movie (e.g., a critic doesn't like a certain actor, and pans all their films), and while to do take my personal tastes into account somewhat, I do NOT believe in basing one's entire review on this.


August 8th:

In less than two weeks, I am off to college. Although I am very excited, this does purpose some interesting challenges for this site. I will be able to update from school (Central Michigan University, by the way), however, I probably won't be seeing that many movies, especially right away. I am not going to make any radical changes right now, but in the mean time, please bare with me.

After hours of internal debating, several failed attempts, and a computer reboot to boot, I have added a Guest Book. Be one of the first to sign it, and make your comments and opinions heard! It is located on the "Roll the Credits!" page, which can be accessed here.

Days Until I Leave for College

New Reviews/Now in Theatres

The Bourne Supremacy
The Village
The Manchurian Candidate
I, Robot
Spider-Man 2
Fahrenheit 9/11

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