The Oliver Awards

Honoring the best in the art of film...

The Oliver Awards opperate in a manner different from all other awards, in that in takes its structure based on the Academy Awards, critics awards, and guild awards. To avoid any confusion, rules for the Oliver Awards are as followed:

1. The Oliver Awards are held on the second Sunday in March, and that is when the winners are announced. Nominees and the top 10 list are released one week before hand, on the first Sunday in March.
2. All movies must be seen by myself (Jacob Sproul) to be considered for an Oliver Award.
a. The film may be seen theatrically or on DVD/VHS format, but despite the format it is seen on, the movie is still subject to all other rules, including rule #3 which pertains to the movies original release date.
3. The “Oliver Season” (the dates a film must receive a release by, be it limited or wide) is January 1st through December 31st. Essentially, any movie that receives its first theatrical release between 1/1 and 12/31 is eligible.
a. Re-releases are not eligible. The movie’s very first US release date determines its classification.
4. Although a movie must be released within the calendar year to be eligible for that year’s awards (and only that year’s awards), it has until the day before nominations must be announced (the Saturday before the first Sunday in March) to be seen by myself, theatrically or on DVD/VHS format. For example, I can continue to see movies released in 2003, all through 2004 until the final day (the day before nominations are to be announced), and they are still eligible for 2003 awards as long as they were originally released in 2003.

Below are the links to the yearly Oliver Awards.

2002 Oliver Awards (1st Annual)
2003 Oliver Awards (2nd Annual)