Now, at long last,
by popular demand
and threats of dismemberment by my little sister
we're happy to bring you
The Closing Night of "Corpus Christi"!!!!
First Chuck and I went to Chattanooga to pick up Genevieve. Because we knew that any play that involved mostly-naked men making out was a play for her. So we fueled up and headed out.

Here is the sign that was on the gas station door. It has no grammatical errors on it; I just thought it was kind of sad. I mean think of all the truckers who pull up to this gas station after hours of lonely road time, hoping for a delicious, fresh hot dog fixed up just for them... and they are met with this sign. Sadness!!!
So then we stood in line for two and a half hours. That's right folks, we stood in 30-degree weather in the dark for TWO AND A HALF HOURS!!! We couldn't feel our feet by the time they finally let us in the building. It was well worth the wait, though, because we were first in line (of literally HUNDREDS) and got the best seats in the house.
So while we were in line, we had plenty of time to take pics.

We decided that we needed a shot of the two sisters with their new piercings.

It was difficult to get a picture that we both agreed with.


I think we settled on this one.

Soon afterwards, Kip and Genevieve noticed that his hair matched her scarf. That warranted documentation.

Genny's UTC chum Crystal stole the scarf for her. Naughty naughty!!!
So, then we watched the show. It of course was the best thing I've ever seen done on a stage in my life. (This was my third time.)
After the show, we all went to Chili's for margaritas, beer (sweet, sweet Shiner Bock), and food (sweet, sweet cheeseburger).

Genevieve and Joan (who was the stage manager) pose prettily for me.

Awwww... cutie wootie pies....

While waiting for the check, Genny decided that Joan needed a tattoo.

It was an enthralling process.

"All Men Are Divine"

Making sweet love to my camera... ooooo....
And then we went home. That is all.

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