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Welcome to Nintendo Heroes!


Welcome to Nintendo Heroes! This site has been under heavy construction the last few months and will have many features coming in the near future. We now have links to the Legendary Temple, The Super Mario World, Super Smash Battles, and our new Forums. We hope to have so much more to come in the future, but until more updates comes, please check out our forums for the latest news. We hope that you will come again and enjoy your stay.

Nintendo Heroes Sites:

The Legendary Temple
The Super Mario World
The Super Smash Battles
Nintendo Heroes Forums

The Website Updates:

June 29, 2007: The Staff of Nintendo Heroes has been at work with various updates and setups. The front page has been updated yet again and informent of such updates will be reduced in the times to come. A history page is in the making now, further updates will come as they become available...

June 10, 2007: The Staff of Nintendo Heroes has made an update to the main page of our website and recently added a "click here to enter" page to our site so that we are able to be searched from other search sites. Also, the Super Mario World and the Legendary Temple are under heavy construction for the Summer season. More updates will come as they become available...

May 30, 2007: The Staff of Nintendo Heroes has again made updates to the website. The Super Mario World is in updating right now as well as the Legendary Temple so don't be surprised with a few changes day in and day out. A little revealance though, we will be adding another branch to our site soon. Come again as the updates to this site get further along...

May 22, 2007: The staff of Nintendo Heroes has been hard at work updating our main page which, we are proud to present its new format. The Super Mario World as well has been updated, and forums have just been added to our site. Stay tuned for more news and updates...

Game of the Week:

Pokemon Battle Revolution

Pokemon Battle Revolution is the newest and first game for the Nintendo Wii from the Pokemon series. This games features include the ability to customize your trainers, transfer your pokemon from Diamond and Peral version, and battle in coliseums with various terrains and rule sets. The game doesn't feature the traveling mode as you would normally expect, but in place is compared to pokemon stadium, the game taking place in a pokemon-like theme park called Poketopia. To learn more on this game, you can further research the game on other sites or buy it yourself in stores now.

Question of the Week:

Remember When...

Super Godzilla

Though Godzilla games are played variously from Nintendo to Xbox to the Playsation, the classical game of the week is Super Godzilla. For the Super Nintendo, this game was one of the early games in which the players traveled and battled as Godzilla against the various monsters of the series. Upon battling the monsters, the conclusion of the game ends in Godzilla saving the world as Super Godzilla and returning to the ocean after control of him was lost. For the best one player monster game of the Super Nintendo Series, we give Super Godzilla as our Remember When...

Before you go, we would very much appreciate it if you would take time to sign our guest book and tell the staff what you think. This is not a mandatory thing, but is a luxury that we would really appreciate. We thank you for your visit and hope that you will come again soon.

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This website is NOT an official website of the Nintendo in any way, shape, or form. All Written Material is © Nintendo Heroes 2005-2007
