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The Links and Bio Page

Okay, for those of you who actually are here to see my bio not my link I'm drastically changing my bio so I will post infomation on where its located if I move it. -or- such.
So for now enjoy exploring the links
The Un~Offical Chad Allen Page
one of the save Dr. Quinn sites
Another save dqmw page
Frustrated my 1st our house fanfic
PrincessJedi_Co's newsies and growing pains site
My newspaper
a cool pic of Chad on st:tng
My second fanfic "Headache"
my website for my french 2 class. dr. quinn chat on talk city one of my geocities page. Under construction

And More Links home pages
My Tomorrow People page
My Our House/Chad Allen page
my horror/scifi page
The Creative Outlet Theatre Company
The Potion
another Chad Allen page

The Dr. Quinn role playing game page
