Sup, you have just entered my lair. My name is 3drågöñ. My site will be under heavy construction and will never be finished. My site will include nukes, hip-hop,links,info on the 3drågöñ,and other kick ass shit. I will try to have alittle bit of every thing in order to interest all. If there is anything that you think will improve my site e-mail me. If you wish to contact me ICQ page me by clicking on the blue "ICQ" button. If you do not have ICQ and wish to download it for free, scroll down the page some and you will find a link to download it. I will be updating and working on my page daily so come back soon, also Tell your friends to come and take a look. Well enjoy my page and stay bout it bout it and TRU. Oh and to all ppl new to the net check out my Internet Lingo in order to understand what it means when someone says LOL to you or BRB in this fucked up place called the net.
someone in geocities has taken my login name as the "3dragon" if you should see that mother fucker tell his punk ass to e-mail me now! I have the right to that name and me only, and as for the rest of you all see ya soon. I know its been a long time since I have been online but I am on my way back. stay bout it bout it and tru.
Proud core member of the:
A word to the wise: Under no circumsance mess with the drågöñ below . It has very sensitive feelings and is liable to lash out. Don't click on him or even pass your mouse over him. Please, please, please listen to reason......i'm sorry for any troubles that might befall you if you do not heed my warning, but you were warned.......