AEROSMITH!!!!!! They have been America's Greatest Band for a long time. The five members of the band are Steven Tyler,Joe Perry,Tom Hamilton,Brad Whitford and Joey Kramer.
***Hey....I finally got 10 minutes to breathe and update my page, let me tell you, school is rough, I've had no time at all to have a life. I personally want to apologize to Joe Perry and Gilby Clarke for not posting their birthdays, so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
**Go get the new Nine Inch Nails CD. It totally rocks. And if you haven't noticed, "Oh My God" the new GNR song is on the commercial for the new Arnold Schwartznager (I know I didn't spell that one right.) movie. The album is supposedly due out in December. COOL!
Steven Tyler, born Steven Victor Tallarico was born in New York City on March 26,1948. Eventhough sometimes he gives his d.o.b. as 1952. He is 5'9, 143lbs, and also has the great responsibility of being the lead singer. He also plays the keyboards,piano, Hammer Dulcimer, Percussion,Hand oragan and the Harmonica.
Joe Perry, born Anthony Joseph Pereira, was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts on September 10, 1950. He is 5'9 and 140lbs. He is the lead guitarist. In the 70's he wanted to go solo so he had a band called "The Joe Perry Project." Joe also plays the Dulcimer and the Slide Guitar.
Thomas William Hamilton was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado on December 31, 1951. Tom is 6'1 and 150lbs. Tom is the bassist for the guys and he plays the Chapman stick.
Bradly Ernest Whitford was born in Winchester, Massachusetts on February 23, 1952. He is 5'7 and 136lbs. Brad is the baby in the band and also joined last. He plays Guitar and Acoustic Guitar.
Joseph Michael Kramer was born in The Bronx on June 21, 1950. He is 5'6 and 155lbs. Joey plays the Drums. When required, Joey plays the gong and plays one of the greatest bare-handed solos ever!
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*On May 10, 1994 Duff's pancreas burst. It was triggered by drugs and alcohol.
*Duff, by 4th grade smoked pot and by 7th grade he was snorting coke. When Duff was at his worst, he drank 2 1/2 gallons of Vodka a day and snorted and eight an ounce of coke. His long blonde hair is now short and brown with blonde tips and he has changed from playing Bass guitar to Guitar.
*Izzy formed his own band called the JuJu Hounds.
*Slash has his own band called Slash's SnakePit and had another band called Slash's BluesBall.
*Duff is the rhythm guitarist for Neurotic Outsiders.
*A new GN'R line up is in the studio cutting a new record!!!
*Appetite for Destruction was released in July of 1987 but didn't even break Billboards Top 100 for 10 months!! Then it quickly shot to #1!!
*GN'R's say their early musical influences as being The Rolling Stones and Aerosmith.
*Axl started singing in church at age 5, and later he even taught Sunday School!
W. Axl Rose, born William Bruce Bailey, was born on February 6, 1962 in Lafayette, Indiana.He is 5'8 1/2 and weighs 137lbs. He was once married to Erin Everly, daughter of the Everly Brothers. Axl bought the name Guns N' Roses when the band broke up. His fav. singers are Frank Sinatra R.I.P., and Chris Cornell(SoundGarden), his fav. pet are Maltese dogs which he owns two of, fav. bands are Metallica, Sound Garden and The Four Horsemen, fav. city is Paradise City (obviosly!) fav. actress is Erin Everly (duh), fav. actor is Robert DeNiro, fav. movie "Once upon a time in America", fav. show is "The Gong Show", fav. food is Steak, hobbies are "Gun collecting and skateboarding", major musical influences are Slash,Izzy,Duff,Steven, and West Arkeen, former jobs: " Too many, once I got paid 8 bucks an hour to smoke ciggarettes", self discription:"Blank" and his nickname is Jekyll and Hyde because of his violant mood swings.
Slash, born Saul Hudson, was born on July 23, 1965 in Stroke-on-Trent, England. He is 5'10 1/2 and weighs 145lbs. Slash moved to L.A. with his father when he was little. His fav. song is Nobody's Fault by Aerosmith,his fav. musician is Robert Plant, his fav. actors are Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro, and Jack Nicholson, his fav. actress is Jessica Lang, his fav. movies are Scarface and The Godfather, his fav. show is "Tales from the Dark Side", fav. food is Mexican, fav. book is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson, fav. thing about touring is "Going Shopping", his first concert was The Moody Blues, and his first favorite band was Aerosmith!!!
Duff, born Michael McKagan, was born in Seattle, Washington on February 5, 1964. He is 6'3 and weighs 170lbs. His favorite band is AC/DC, his first concert was Led Zepplin, his favorite musician is Robert Plant, favorite city is Seattle, favorite actress and actor is Marilyn Monroe and Jerry Lewis, his favorite movie is A Clockwork Orange, favorite food is Italian, fav. sport is Football, and his fav. book is Slugs by Sean Huston.
Izzy Stradlin, born Jeff Isabelle, was born on April 8, 1962. He is 5'11 and weighs 140lbs. Izzy reads Philosophy books,likes Indian food,his favorite thing about traveling is meeting all those bizzare people, his favorite sport is touring, and when he was asked what he'd be doing if he wasn't in music he said "I don't wanna think about it.."his fav. band is "Smack",his fav. movie is "Tommy",his least fav. thing about traveling is "Incidental Expences"
Steven Adler was born on January 22,
1965. He was
born in
Cleveland,Ohio, He is 5'7, he's 135lbs,
his favorite
band is Frankie Valley and the Four
Seasons, and when
he was asked who his favorite musician
was, ha said
"Slash and Duff-I look up to those
two guys more
than anybody else." his favorite
shows were
"Cheers" and "Taxi", his favorite books
were any of
the Hardy Boys books, ect.,he
has had 2 strokes and a heartattack.
Steven was fired
because of his drug addiction. His
steadly worsened and he had to be fired.
He was
by Matt Sorum. Steven is doing
alot better now. He is in a new band
called "Freaks
in the room."Steven wrote a book with
the help of his
mother that is called "No Bed Of Roses"
It's a
biography of his life with and without
Guns N' Roses.
Soon to come!! Matt Sorum!!
Thanks for comming to my page.
Lynn's Aerosmith Page
My friend Alec's page
The Official Aerosmith Page ^A^
Gibson Guitars, Gods Gift to Guitars!!
XFactorX page, Check it out!!!
Epiphone Guitars
Seymour Duncan Pickups, Slash's Fav!!
Fender Guitars
CDnow, Tons of great cds
Big Engine, these guys rock, you gotta check 'em out, if you live in Jacksonville, be sure to check out the schedual to see when you can go see them live.