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What do I think?

SO you wanna know what i think?

YOu wanna know what i think about hanson? well then you have come to the right place! i have a whole paragraph! brace yourself! (LoL)

I think hanson is a misunderstood band of REAL BOYs. People judge them on they're looks. I tell anti hanson people (such as my sis) that if they were a boy, and they had a major zit on their face on prom night...would they want someone to laugh at them? Or if they were a girl, if they had a bad hair day on picture day, would they want to be teased? I usually get the answer "yes", but they know i am right and they are just mouthing off. I think hanson should be liked for their music and not looks. They are a very good band, and if they have many websites made for them, they are special.

The first time I heard the song "mmmbop" and saw the video, i tought " Hmm....I think there are 2 boys and 2 girls in this group." BUt then guess what i am not a hater! That song may not have the best lyrics, but what counts is what is in them. You have to have a pure soul of music to understand.

Fans: I have seen many so called "fans" in my life. They buy the cds, shirts, caps, etc. BUT....that isn't what a true fan is...some people have the cds but don't listen to it. A true fan has to be devoted, and have to care for them! ANd a teenybopper, what the heck is that? I mean anyone that is young that LOVEs hanson or likes them.... should be in the hanson luvers category! (am i right)

That is what i have to say...disagree or have a comment? email me I love email!

[ h o m e ]