(Coming soon!)

The PHREEKER'Z UNSIGNED BAND LIST is about to open an on-line record
store. How will it work? Well, if you or your band has any CD's, tapes,
demos, or promotional paraphernalia you're wanting to sell, you can do
it through the PHREEKER'Z RECORD STORE. If you do have a CD, tape, demo,
or any paraphernalia you'd like to sell just click here to find out more.
Once you've done that, you can send any pics of album covers for your recordings or of the
paraphernalia you're selling to dfi247@airmail.net. Remember, you can sell anything you
possibly might have through the PHREEKER RECORD STORE (If it has to do with
your band. Please, we can't sell your dead pet goldfish).

Another part of the PHREEKER RECORD STORE is the Newsstand which will be
where your band can keep the people updated on happenings in your band.

The final part of the...you know what it's called by now...is the Box
Office. This will be where your band can post tour dates and ticket

Once at least ten bands have offered such info, the construction of the
Record Store will get underway. And, as with all services offered by the
PUBL, joining the Record Store is absolutely free, and the PUBL takes
-*- NO MONEY -*-from anything you sell. You get every penny. All the
record store will serve in doing is giving PUBL visitors a place to
check out where they can get stuff from PUBL bands (and YES you must be
on the Band List to sell over the Record Store!).
If you have any further questions, please e-mail me at: dfi247@airmail.net

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