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"In every life there comes a time, when that dream you dream becomes that thing you do"

If you like to submit "positive poetry", please e-mail it to me, Giorgio, and I will post yours here if you want to inspire others with your words.


The Rescue

Beyond the doubt of the silent night
Laid eye's that were full of fright

The knight's future had a shadow of death
At sunset, he would take his last breath

He heard a low melody that dispelled the gloom
For a fairy like figure appeared in the room

Her brown large eye's twinkled in the light
For she knew that in his heart she inspired hope and delight

Around her neck was a silver key on a chain
To the gate's lock it pertained

As she touched the key, it enfolded in light to levitate
To open the for bating rust gate

The gate slightly opened to the fairy and the man
You must follow me she said in a voice of command

She guided the knight down the stairs while saying a quiet short prayer
He followed her as a child, for hope, she was a conveyer

For an escape she did soon find
They left the tower of death behind

The fairy walked through the dark forest trail
The breath of life they both inhaled

To face him she turned around
For in his eye's regret was found

For the jealous King he had betrayed
The infidelity of his Queen he did persuade

On the full moon, you must leave this town
For your destiny is to wear your country's Crown

Copyright: 1998


Take my hand,
I offer my friendship.

Let us walk beneath the starlite night.
Echoing waves in the distant far.
beat upon the celestial seashore.
No longer shackled to once it were bound.

Take my hand,
friend so far.

Let us walk beneath the sunlite day.
Stare into wonderment beyond the vast rippling sands.
No longer burning in her torment.

Come, my friend
Let us breathe the essence of our being.
My friend afar
God be with you.

Copyright : 1998


Hear distant laughter, coming from all creatures surrounding you and I. Listen to the sounds of the unknown, opening the doors of your knowledge. Listen to what your heart is about to speak, to express, in the stillness of your gentle soul.

Learn to observe. Learn to listen to sweet nothings coming to life. Accept the light of the morning sun, as well as you may accept the moonlight glow, uncovering before your wondering eyes, the mysteries of a fascinating universe. Grasp the essence of creation if you can. It is there waiting for you to find where hides the deepest fragment of your entire being.

However, you must not try to keep which cannot be held in your controlling hands. For it is forbidden to frame a piece of eternity, of truth. Just behold the light before your future, and you may begin to think of the past as a traveling companion, which has just departed. Leaving behind the memories of unforgettable times.

Now is the gift of your presence on the face of this earth. Contemplate this moment, because it may never come again. Be true to yourself, and feel the joy of the rain as well as the warmth of the sun, reflecting it's light on each tear rolling down your smiling face.

And when the rainbow of your existence will manifest, only the gratitude of your open heart, will allow that second to stand still for as long as your consciousness is able to embrace the love of God, entering the window you have carved so lovingly with your longing and devotion.

Keep smiling from within. Keep crying if you have to. Live the lives of your emotions, and remember the faith you have in Me now. Because there is nothing you can be afraid of after this, nothing at all. And if the unknown seems still to far apart from you, keep on shining through the light of your love for Me. Because it will fill the gap and take you to places where no one has yet reached with their heart.

Come, walk another step. Get closer to your destination. I'm right here, next to you and around you. Before you and behind you. Beneath you and above you; thinking that you might fall in my arms again. Don't feel sorry if you do, for I love you my child.




I am your friend...
that will never go away.
I will tell you the truth...
every single day.
My pockets may seem empty...
but I will dig deeper.
I know I be paid back...
by my keeper.

I am your friend...
that listens..both night and day.
To help you with your problems...
and to the light at the end.
My heart is open...
to everything unseen.
To you I give my presence...
with a gleam.

I am your friend...
that stands by your side...
To be your helping hand...
and to be you guide.
Let there be sunshine...
even in the gloom.
Take away all unhappiness...
and your thoughts of doom.

I am your friend...
when times get tough.
And when it seems...
you can't get out of the rough.
Everyone takes a path...
that is sometimes not right...
Just get back on the road...
that you know is right.

I am your friend...
that doesn't always agree.
We know the difference it is...
to be you and me.
A smile on your face...
and laughter in your heart.
Will always keep us together...
and never part.

I am your friend...
who cares about your well being.
Don't ever forget.
what you are seeing.
Don't ever let your heart...
turn to stone.
Even if you think...
you are all alone.

I am your friend...
till the end of time.
don't ever forget...
we will always intertwine...
You are a precious person...
that I will never forget.
I am so happy that you came into my life...
and we have met!!!

Copyright: 1998

This is pretty cool. Enjoy.


Every night I lie in bed This little prayer inside my head
God bless my mom and dad and bless my children...

And God, there's just one more thing I wish you would do
if you don't mind me asking.......just bless my computer too?

Now I know, that it's not normal to bless a small machine
but listen just a second and I'll try to explain........

You see, this little metal box holds more than odds and ends.
Inside those small components rest a hundred loving friends.

Some, its true, I've never seen and most I've never met.
we've never shaken hands or ever truly hugged, and yet...

I know for sure they love me by the kindness they give
and this little scrap of metal is how I get to where they live.

By faith is how I know them much the same as I know you...
by sharing my life it brings them close, so if its ok with you...
just take an extra minute from your duties up above...
to bless this little hunk of steel thats filled with so much LOVE.

Bless all my many computer friends.

Copyright april 1998


I was feeling unwanted, unloved
Feeling so all alone
I had a heart that wanted someplace
To call my own, my home
I searched the world, but could not find
The one that is for me
Until I searched inside myself
And suddenly awoke from the dream

Here I am,
'things are not what they seem
Here I am,
dare to awake from the dream

We all have a path, a journey to make
Lessons to teach and to learn
The journey of love seems so very long
The fire so hot it can burn
Pass beyond.  Search inside yourself
Face the fear that is you
Look into the eyes of love
Dare to make dreams come true

Here I am,
things are not what they seem
Here I am,
dare to awake from the dream

Written/sung by Connie E. Trumpf

Connie Trumpf

God's Shore

It's enough to make you feel crazy
Enough to feel real pain
When you try to point a finger
looking for something to blame

For anything that ails you
all that you think should not be
Remember we're all on this lighted path
We're not blind, but some cannot see

He's in the wind
He's in a face
God is alive
We're all his grace
Love is the way through unlocked doors
Compassion stands upon Gods shores.

Perfection lives within us
Courage is our sword
Honor is the shield we bear
Forgiveness is our Lord

To lower your shield and sheath your blade
To walk away from salvation
You're never alone in that valley of fear
Your still a living part of creation

He's in the wind
He's in a face
God is alive
We're all his grace
Love is the way through unlocked doors
Compassion stands upon Gods shores.

Remember when you stand between the night and day
There is a dawning that will always light your way

He's in the wind
He's in a face
God is alive
We're all his grace
Love is the way through unlocked doors
Compassion stands upon Gods shores.

Copyright 4/27/98

Connie Trumpf

She walked along the silent waves and listened for the voices
The whispers did not give direction but gave her many choices
You bear the chains that your mind desires, for life is what you make it,
But know that the bond will rift the soul of those to weak to break it
Do not cry tears, nor weep for yourself over things you cannot do
Grasp the reins of life and live with what has been gifted you
For the answers have all been given, listen and you will grow
Lift up your head and challenge yourself, tend all the seeds you sow. 
Weeds are not an issue, for they are of the mind.
The only fruit you will bear comes from a sacred vine.

Copyright 98

Cheryl Jones

MERRY MEET!!!!!!!!!
Everyone...wanted to shout ..wanted you guys are it...I am lead by forces so great and wonderful and Artemis the Goddess of my soul.. I thank.. she has lead me on a wonderous journey and once again allowed me to see through her eyes...feel with her hands...and watch and discover...I love to sing I had been writing and singing for days..."I wanna be a rainmaker..I wanna make it rain..."

Well guess what? you bet Artemis let me experience this first hand yesterday...
THANK YOU GODDESS it felt so wonderful I ran outside and danced for her.... sang for her..collected rain for her...round and round my oak tree I did this until I could stand no more and that lightening and thunder helped ease me back inside...the most important part of this sharing came when I sat drenching wet, soaked to the effervescence of my most inner self and found much to my amazement I do not wanna be a rainmaker...I do not wanna make it rain...for I am the rain drops...........Just had to share. MERRY PART~~~~~wetness to all~~~~~blessed be all.

Copyright 97

Michael Levy


An awakening to dawn mist on the water,
flowing Spirit's streams to God's alter,
purifying essence whistles through the trees,
images of the sacred blowing in the breeze.

Flights of fancy from birds up high,
feathers of many colors filtering through the sky,
sun, moon and stars envelops Earth's dome,
we're all birds of a feather, finding our way home.

Spectacle of mesmerizing movements flashing in the mind,
melting pots of humans, secrets hard to find,
love all embracing whispers on the wind,
no physical presence, ecstasy from a light dimmed.

Gifts of joy enmeshed in music and dance,
visualizing images filtering in a trance,
warriors in a drumbeat at journeys end,
back to the womb of creation enmeshed in a substance blend.

Wondrous dreams in the stillness of the dark,
journey on uplifting voyages in paradise park,
thunder and lightening points the way,
a prelude to the land where Soul's play.

Copyright March 1999


Faith Hart


Gossamer strands of memory tug upon my mind
Beckoning my heart to walk along the path and find
Remnants of the petals from the rose he gave to me
Remembrance of his laughter, sustenance for memory
My mind gently touches thoughts of him and then strolls on
To explore each moment of the past before my Love had gone
Holding to his hand I wandered down the roads we used to trod
Till I at last knew what's needed and consigned him up to God
I don't need to have his presence to always hold him near
For love does not end with death nor need I ever fear
That because he is gone I've lost him, For I know it is not so
My heart holds him forever, and wherever I am, he too will go.
When will the day come that I lose him? NEVER.
Because I have my memories, He will live forever.

Copyright January 1999