Calendar Conversion
Conversion Factors: The following conversion standards enable people to readily translate BC and AD dates into Years From Creation and vice versa.
Conversion Factors (4005 For BC Years) or (4004 For AD Years) 4005 - BC = Years From Creation |
Cardinal And Ordinal Years: The Scriptures speak of years in either of two basic forms: (1.) Cardinal or completed years; and (2.) Ordinal or years in progress. Zero is simply a starting or reference point from which we count or move in either one direction or other. There is no zero year.
The difference between Cardinal and Ordinal years is important when converting from one counting system to another or when reconstructing the more technical details of the chronology. People, of course, use both Cardinal and Ordinal numbers daily; yet, few think of them as Cardinal or Ordinal numbers. Nevertheless, there is a significant difference.
The Biblical Year always begins with the first "New Moon" (translated "month") following the Vernal Equinox and continues for 12 and sometimes 13 lunar months. Thus, the Biblical calendar functions automatically without the necessity of human intervention or adjustment.
Note: King Herod died in 4 BC (Matthew 2:13-20 and secular history).
New Style Versus Old Style
In 1752 AD much of the Western World altered the secular New Year's Day from 25 March to 1 January. Thereafter the rest of the world gradually adopted 1 January as the secular New Year's Day. Thus, New Style years begin on 1 January; whereas, prior to 1752 the secular New Year began 25 March and is called Old Style.
All diagrams herein reflect the New Style as opposed to the Old Style. Note: Old Style AD and BC Years conformed more or less with the Biblical Year which always begins with the first New Moon following the Vernal Equinox.
The day of The Vernal Equinox is identified as the time when the apparent Sun moves North across the Celestial Equator.
Confirming The Count Of Years
The Scriptures allow one to begin with Creation Week and traverse through ancient history unto the midst of the Fourth Millennium using both contiguous Biblical data and smaller time bridges. Thereafter, after the midst of the Fourth Millennia, longer time bridges link the ancient with the modern while research and secular history of the Holy Lands region fill in beneath the more extensive time bridges.
Furthermore, the calendar years from the 5 BC Birth of Jesus Christ clearly identify the Third Millennial Day from the 5 BC Birth of Jesus. Therein events describe this Third Millennial Day as being exactly the same as the Seventh Millennial Day from Creation, The LORD'S Day.
In turn, the several time bridges provide a unique link between the ancient and the modern. Thus, the Biblical time bridges compensate for possible errors in the year to year secular dates. Whereas, the count from the 5 BC Birth of Jesus confirms the time bridges. Finally, the Calendar Conversion Standards (i.e. the Conversion Factors) further confirm the count of years.
Now when one examines Biblical Prophecy coming true, it all fits like a proverbial glove. Wow!
For Additional Material See Brian's Theatre:
Fig 16:Jesus' Age 30 In Tiberius' 15th Year |
Fig 17:Comparing Events. |
Fig 18:Reaffirming The Calendar Conversion Factor (4004 For AD Years). |
Prepared By Father & Son Team:
George & Dana Brown P.O. Box 320932 Cocoa Beach, Florida USA 32932 |