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George and Dana Brown P.O. Box 320932, Cocoa Beach, Florida 32932

Online Bible King James Version

The Biblical Chronology Of Man
Part VI

The Third Day

GOD Again Warns Humanity Through Physical Examples:   GOD established His Israel on the Third Day as a model, a prototype, for all to behold.   And through Israel GOD demonstrated that His children would either obey His laws or suffer the consequences.

Promises Carried Out:   For example, because the people chose not to obey, not to wholly follow the LORD, only two over the age of twenty when the Exodus began, Joshua and Caleb, survived to cross over the Jordan (Numbers 32:11-12).

Repeated Signs:   The Egyptian captivity of Israel, the 40 years in the wilderness, and the period of Judges then demonstrated GOD'S repetitive perseverance with man, His warnings, and the chastisement of His disobedient children.

Stumbling Blocks Established:   And in keeping with His promises, on the Third Day GOD gave disobedient man phony preachers (interpreters of His Word) and phony laws to lead people unto their desolation (Ezekiel 14:3-11; 20:24-26).

Guidance Provided But Not Always Heeded:   In addition, the Third Day provides a vivid demonstration that the destiny of history emerges from or in accordance with GOD'S responses to leaders like Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, David, etc.   And the people benefited accordingly.   These were all righteous principals amongst the early guiding patriarchs serving under David's LORD at the right hand of GOD (Psalm 110:1-7; Numbers 27:16-17).   Conversely, when people disobeyed great troubles and afflictions came upon them.


Abraham's Children
Reign And Prosper

Important events in the third millennium from Creation

A.Chinese history originated as T'ang the Victorious (Moses?) founded the Shang Dynasty (GOD'S Dynasty).   This occurred during Moses' 40 years in the wilderness (2398-2537 From Creation).
B.An enormous earthquake created the great rift in the midst of the Red Sea as the Israelites began their Exodus from Egypt.
C.&  D.   Dan sojourns north away from their inheritance (the Glory of GOD) apparently to share in Phoenicia's lucrative trade, explorations, and colonial empire [(C.) Joshua 19:47-48; (D.) Judges 18:10,27-29].

Abraham unto Saul

Continue On To:   Part VII:   The Fourth Day

Biblical Chronology Menu

Prepared By Father & Son Team:
George & Dana Brown
P.O. Box 320932
Cocoa Beach, Florida
USA     32932
George and Dana Brown P.O. Box 320932, Cocoa Beach, Florida 32932

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