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Answering Questions Re:

Past, Present, And Future

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          After all, Scripture says that nothing will be hid and everything will be made known (Matthew 10:26); and, the people "... shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations" (Isaiah 61:4; 58:12; 44:24-26; Amos 9:11; Acts 15:16; etc.).

          We have been documenting where things should be found, evidence, what to expect, related history, etc.   Much work is still in progress although the locations of most hidden things on our listing were known to us between 1978 and 1984.   However, we only recently began placing details on the Internet.

          Our prime interest has been GOD'S Holy Arks of the Covenant (Yes, two Arks):  The first prepared under Adam and the second under Moses.

          Back about 1982, after years of no dreams (none that ever were remembered), suddenly a series of very vivid dreams were experienced.   It was like a "soap opera" as each night provided a continuation of the previous nights.   In fact we dubbed the whole show "The Soap Opera Dreams."   Yet, at that time all were meaningless but well remembered.   No drugs (not even coffee, tea, cokes, or even aspirin) were involved.   Nevertheless, that nightly experience went on for four or five nights with no logical explanation.   Again, all was quite meaningless ... a big joke at that time.

          Two years later, starting on 27 December 1984, we arrived in the West Bank town of Hebron.   Then on 1 January 1985 those strange dreams were acted out in real time.   Wow!   That was when we were partly led and partly driven (the occupation forces tear gassed all the little elementary school children and us) to the hiding place of GOD'S Holy Ark on the sixth day after our arrival in Hebron.

          On 4 January 1985 my son, Dana, went to a meeting with the Department of Antiquities in Jerusalem.   Therein, it was made very obvious that no permit to search out GOD'S Holy Ark would be forthcoming even if we complied with the myriad requirements set forth.   Unofficially, threats were conveyed that Arabs who helped, Arab land owners, and Arabs who were friendly with us may be imprisoned if we acted without Jewry's permit.   Thus, by their threats, guns, and failure to cooperate the occupation forces had taken GOD'S Holy Arks prisoners in 1985 (Zechariah 5:4; Genesis 49:1,10; John 11:47-53; Nahum 2:7; Jeremiah 43:8-13; II Maccabees 2:4-8; Ezekiel 12:3-7; Zechariah 5:9-11; Isaiah 40:5; 29:6).   (Note:  Previously at great expense a Mr. Larry Blaser, Englewood, Colorado had complied with all such requirements and was refused a permit).

          Much of our experience in Hebron is described in Canticles (especially chapters 2 thru 5) which mention the lattice, the ancient stairs, the clefts in the rock, the watchmen (soldiers), the hole in the wall, Solomon's bed (bier) nearby, etc.   Now add other descriptions and matters get very interesting especially when the strange dreams had shown the site while outlining experiences and events from the teargas through Jewry's threats.   Even a little tree at the edge of the cliff or drop off, the sealed cave which should be Solomon's tomb, the ruins, the ancient steps, the topography, etc. had been shown in great detail.

          Back in 1985 we mentioned that we were not going to return to the West Bank until the occupation forces moved out, why play games.   Then we got the horselaugh and there were no land for peace talks.   But today the occupation forces are slowly moving out.   Yet, there will be no peace while GOD'S Holy Arks remain captive.

          We understand that the Human Shepherd of these days (prefigured by Elijah, David, and others) is the rightful custodian of GOD'S Holy Arks.   And we, of course, don't feel that either of us meet that criteria so we haven't been too excited.   Nevertheless, GOD is capable of doing "His thing" with or without the Holy Ark and can choose whomsoever He wishes to do His bidding.   So, we've been sitting back watching the show.

          "Hidden Treasures," Uncovering Secrets Of History, describes some of the sites we've been putting together and where they can be found on the Internet.   Some are completed while others are not.

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Prepared By
Father - Son Team
         George & Dana Brown
         P.O. Box 320932
         Cocoa Beach, Florida
         USA          32932-0932
         Email: brianshouse@yahoo.com