Hidden Treasures

  • Item 1:   The Nuzi Map depicts the preflood Valley of Eden and other preflood sites.  Below our reorientation and identification of the redrawing of the Nuzi Map you will find a link to the Henry-Davis site which hosts:  1. a photograph (slide) of the original clay tablet; and, 2. a redrawing of the clay tablet.   See Brian's Annex:  https://www.angelfire.com/fl/BriansHouse/nuzimap.html

  • Item 2:   If you haven't seen it, you may also be interested in the proposal for EVE (Edenic Valley Exploration) and related research at:  https://www.angelfire.com/fl/BriansHouse/eveindex.html

  • Item 3:   Paralleling the Edenic Valley Exploration, our research regarding Noah's Ark in Saudi Arabia and the City of Chanoch (the city built by Cain) is on the Internet:  https://www.angelfire.com/fl/BriansHouse/inarabia.html#pgdir

  • Item 4:   The Scriptures speak of two Holy Arks.   In addition, the original tablets given Moses will be found to be slightly under the surface of the soil if not on top with the true Mount Sinai which is about 200 miles North of and no where near the traditional Sinai.   Nevertheless, there are two Holy Arks:  the original apparently was assembled under Adam, crossed the flood with Noah, and was taken to Hebron (Habakkuk 3:3; etc.).   The second Holy Ark, of course, was assembled under Moses and hidden by Jeremiah when Nebuchadnezzar was coming against the city (Jeremiah 43:8-10; etc.).   Both will be brought forth as matters progress now that The LORD'S Day has arrived (compare Ezekiel 12:3-7 vs 12:8-12; Zechariah 5:4; Nahum 2:7; etc.).   http://www.geocities.com/brianshouse/scam5.html

  • Item 5:   The preserved remains of Three Temples in Jerusalem may be reentered in a matter of hours, days, or weeks depending on the condition of the respective tunnels.   The Solomonic Temple is west of the Valley of Ben Hinnom (Jeremiah 19:2 KJV) and not anywhere near the traditional mount which was initially heaped up by the Byzantines in 617-637 AD.

              Note:  the Madaba Map (dated:  c. 562 AD) shows that the phony Temple Mount was non-existent at that time and archaeologist James Fleming confirmed that the Roman Gate shown on the Madaba Map is indeed beneath the traditional East Gate.   https://www.angelfire.com/fl/BriansHouse/menuba.html#rm1

              Hadrian's pagan temple was built beneath the phony traditional mount.   And none of the other Temples were built on that site.

  • Item 6:   Chanoch's Water Supply:  Chanoch is the preflood city founded by Cain (Genesis 4:16-17) atop which Noah's Ark landed (The Koran, Sura 11:44).   This city is also visible on the Nuzi Map and is slightly North of modern Tayma', Saudi Arabia (Habakkuk 3:3).   That is, the original Holy Ark with Noah passed through Tayma' or slightly North of Tayma'.   Today investigating Chanoch's Water Supply should be of interest to all nations worldwide and especially to nations such as Saudi Arabia as it deals with both their water and oil supplies.   Note:  The layers of thick, black, gelatinous mud throughout the basin of the Black Sea is extremely rich in organic carbons and provides an annual layering that has been deposited ever since The Great Flood.   This carbon rich mud, of course, is unique to the Black Sea but reflects processes somehow related to natural distillation units operating worldwide deep throughout the world's oceans.   That is, sea life captured by the currents is somehow filtered from the tons and tons of sea water constantly flowing through each distillery either before or during the distillation of sea water which then flows as subterranean rivers of fresh water.   In turn, the decaying sea life replenishes the world's crude oil supplies.   http://www.geocities.com/brianshouse/BRIANSANNEX/freshwaterpreface.html

              The Black Sea provides an interesting "laboratory" situation as the vast inflow of both fresh and salt water must flow out via subterranean rivers.   In addition, the Chernobyl disaster, 26 April 1986, has been continuously polluting Black Sea waters and the half-life of Plutonium (Pu-239), for example, is 24,400 years.   So, how many people will be drinking, bathing, and cooking with polluted waters?   Parts III and IV of Chanoch's Water Supply address the growing worldwide nuclear contamination and related consequences from the lesser accidents and nuclear wastes.   (Also see:  Jeremiah 23:15; Ezekiel 23:34; Revelation 8:10-11).

  • Item 7:   The Biblical Chronology Of Man is being placed on the Internet in the form of an abbreviated summary of a 300 page manuscript.   This summary explains the basics associated with the seven day "week" plus an eighth day from Creation and the three and a half days from the 5 BC Birth of Jesus.   Therein, each "day" is 1,000 years.   Watch and enjoy as this site grows as time permits.   https://www.angelfire.com/fl/BriansHouse/briansstudy/bc.html

  • Item 8:   Events of The Final 42 Year-Hour and The Second Great 40 Year Exodus now evolving are displayed as a series of Figures.   Each has been married to a different page throughout Brian's Theatre.   See Brian's Theatre Menu:   https://www.angelfire.com/fl/BriansHouse/menubt.html

  • Item 9:   "Wisdom" explains why rocks, etc. may appear to be millions of years old; yet, according to the Scriptures this world entered The LORD'S Day in the spring of 1996 AD (i.e. beginning 6001 from Creation).   The LORD'S Day is the same as the Third Millennial Day from the 5 BC Birth of Jesus and the Seventh Millennial Day from Creation.    It's like the ancient Bosporus Strait's two way double decker river system.   Yes, the two rivers are one atop the other and flow in opposite directions at the same time.   Illogical to some!   But once you understand it, the reason is obvious (See Item 6 above).   https://www.angelfire.com/fl/BriansHouse/briansstudy/wisdom.html

  • Item 10:   PreExilic Jerusalem Located:  The PreBabylonian Jerusalem has remained hidden for thousands of years; prominent archaeologists admit they haven’t found it.   Yet, Scripture and logic explain where it lays hidden.   It’s the ancient Jebus, an early Canaanite City, with an historic castle that subsequently became the majestic royal palace for the world’s most famous kings: Saul, David, Solomon, and the many that followed them.   It’s also the ancient site of the early Levitical City wherein the preserved Holy of Holies and other preserved inner recesses of the glorious Solomonic Temple await reentry.   A colossal find!   Even the abundant ancient records stored therein and the wealth of Temple treasures described in the intriguing Copper Scroll await recovery.   But GOD’S Holy Ark is not there as the Prophet Jeremiah hid it before King Nebuchadnezzar attacked the City (Jeremiah 43:8-10; II Maccabees 2:4-8).

              The PreExilic City is also the coveted site raided by marauding armies of ancient Egypt, Assyria, Persia, and Babylon. And the new Jerusalem created when Jewry returned from Babylon is not atop this ancient City.   For more details see:  “The Hidden City:  The PreBabylonian Jerusalem”:  https://www.angelfire.com/fl/BriansHouse/hiddencity.html

  • Item 11:   The great Trumpet sounding loud (i.e.everyone worldwide can hear it) and long (it's sounding 24 hours a day) (Exodus 19:11-19).   The aforecited items refer to samples of pages within Brian's Estate (i.e. Brian's House, Brian's Annex, Brian's Theatre, and Brian's Study).   So, enjoy.

Prepared By
Father - Son Team
         George & Dana Brown
         P.O. Box 320932
         Cocoa Beach, Florida
         USA          32932-0932
         Email: brianshouse@yahoo.com